You know that book I mentioned two posts ago, The Boomer Bible? Well, this morning's breaking news is that it's been suggested that it may be the center of a cult! (And a pseudo-intellectual cult at that!) But then again, the same thing has been suggested about the person who did the suggesting. It's all very complicated: InstaPunkArchiveV2.php3?a=793

Are InstaPunk and TBB, and by extension, their readers, e.g., me, really part of a sophisticated conspiracy to assist evil aliens, or the military-industrial complex, or whatever it is these Cassiopaea folks are yammering about? Hmm. If so, all I can say is... COOL!

And if that's the case... wouldn't it mean that BYONDscape, currently "edited" by me, is also part of the conspiracy? JUST HOW DEEP DOES THIS GO?!
All I can say is:

Run, Jmurph! Run before the cult gets you too!
Interesting, that also means that I, as a reader of BYONDScape, support this new cult, if I am not already in it and don't know about it yet. Damn those cultests and their crazy cult schemes.
Scoobert, your secret cult name is now "S. October". Don't tell anyone!
Oh man, I wanted "BeefJaw"... too bad.
Hey, at least you didn't get stuck with Huge Grunt.
Good point.
Forget that. I am not going to be a mere cult flunky. I'll be the friggin' insane cult leader and do it right! If I go cult, I'm starting a crazy one with guns and compounds and UFOs and stuff. And cowbell.