Today we had an unannounced stress test for the pseudo-infinite world system. The number of participants over the time was around 6-7 people.
After an hour and 20 minutes of messing around, trying to tear the world so bit that it would crash the game, unfortunately that didn't happen, the amount of resources used for the game were very low.
The data we got was this:
Maps: 611
Compressed size: 395x395
Memory: 32 208Kb
We loaded up 611 maps during that time, each map is a 16x16 tile area, so doing some basic calculations we get that the compressed size of the maps (if they were next to each other) was 395x395 tiles. Other than that we also took notice of how much memory the game used, while being hosted with Dream Daemon, the result was amazing small only 32 208Kb, I feared that a world at that size would take more, not that we expanded the world to a huge size in the first place.
The participants experienced little to no lag.
I am however not completely satisfied by those results, because we were unable to put much stress on the game and the world system I am using.
My thanks to the people, who took part in this test.
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