flattr is a micro-donation sort of thing where you put in X money at the start of the month, and it is distributed equally to things you "flattr'd"(think of it as a facebook like button).
Long story short, it's a really awesome way for authors to make money without expecting somebody to go through all the trouble of using their credit card. It's also an awesome way for users of free content to not feel like parasites.
I recall BYOND once had this BYOND dime feature, which was very similar. It mightn't have worked, but if the reasons involved had to do with all the problems of running such a system yourself, using flattr would be a very good alternative.
I think the flattr guys were pondering a revenue sharing model at one point - Which, if I understand correctly, means BYOND could build a flattr button into its website/program, and would get a share of the revenue of the flattr'd games. I have no idea where this went though, you'd have to contact the flattr guys directly.
Anyway, it'd be great to see some flattr buttons for BYOND games, I might even click some of them. :)
![]() Apr 7 2013, 5:02 am
Can be easily embedded into a game, but I would like to see Javascript support on hubs, this would open up many API's inregards to payments and social media things.
Why I haven't heard of this before now, I don't know. Thanks for showing me this! :)