I decided to do a bit of testing today since work on VOH has been dragging really badly due to external factors.

I figured I'd throw up the game for a bit and get people's general reactions and maybe a few bug reports or two.

There's not that much to do to be honest, besides equipping items and fighting the basic monsters, but I would like to show what's done regardless, even though quite a bit of work I've done isn't really in a testable/showable state yet.

Things that are not bugs or are already on the list to be fixed:

BGM continuing to play after battle
No EXP/CEXP/AP for beating enemies
No Item drops
Diagonal movement

Thanks for those of you who paged me bug reports, ima grab something to eat tonight and then get cracking on them tomorrow.

I'm going to try to throw up the game at least once a week so that those of you interested remain interested!