
by Kaien007
A original Fan Based game by Abov
So I've been working hard. All by myself T.T forever alone.

JWLee1 will no longer be working on the game(wont go on details with that)but i still wanna give him thanks for his contributions.

Vexxen has been helping with coding but isn't really part of staff. Unless he wants to be part of it. So with that said special thanks goes to him too.

Seriously if you know anyone with skill in drawing turf let me know xD

Now then things I did so far. (screenshots below)

1) Half of Gorre

2) Made first boss

3) Added and Coded in Starting Weapons

4)Changing the Character creation a bit

5)changed the Skin to make it more appealing

Also if you have ideas I would love to hear it. Put it on the feature requests!!!
Preview #3 looks really nice, good job.