I only started this project earlier today, but I already have a few neat things down that I wasn't expecting to accomplish by today, and since I actually have a MOTIVE for completing this project (Shock and horror), maybe my list of creations might actually get buffed a little soon. The premise of the game is a shooty defence game against mutated cardboard beings, using the only thing to hand at the time of you being 12; water guns!
When I've decided more on what I want in and out I'll make another post, for now I'm leaning towards not having stamina, but still having a sprint mechanism, six inventory slots and no more (Pretty much definite, since the HUD for this is complete), and one map that branches off into loads of different areas as you progress (Kind of like Call of Duty: Black Ops). I requested ideas and information here: http://www.byond.com/developer/forum/?id=799979 and I'd still appreciate any input from the community.
The input box is below the inventory slots, the left output is for system messages and the right one is for player chat. You can click on the inventory boxes or press the corresponding number. You can also change the numbers to whatever key (That isn't already taken) you like, but there's no support for ctrl/shift/alt macros yet, maybe one day since it's not too difficult to add. I'm planning on adding a water meter and health bar at the bottom of the screen, once a certain lazy ass artist gives me their work, Teka.