Byond would basically be forced to dump EVERY game that uses copyrighted material. I am completely for this except for the part that Byond itself would make less money and Tom would have to downgrade his ramen to catfood.
BYOND should do that regardless if SOPA gets passed or not.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
BYOND should do that regardless if SOPA gets passed or not.

The removal of anime or the feeding Tom catfood part?
Techgamer wrote:
The removal of anime or the feeding Tom catfood part?

I wonder if I'll get banned from the site if I answer that.
Catfood is like Spam.
Meat pucks in little cans.
I think catfood may cost more than ramen, actually.
It does. My aunt's cat eats better than me. 10 cent ramen < 4 dollar package of fancy feast.
BYOND wouldn't have the chance to dump every game before it was shut down, and even if they did, with the open hub system, it would just happen again.
Cat food is probably more nutritional than ramen too.