![]() Apr 5 2013, 11:07 am
can some please teach me to icon and pixel for free please i am sick of searching for people that do it and won t help so please any one please help
![]() Apr 5 2013, 11:22 am
Someone eager to learn pixel art. Amazing.
ShadowfangX wrote:
Murowko can you help me I pixel art but not enough to enjoy it. To be honest all you need is a good imagination and hold the image in your head you want to make and get the right colors into it. -For me anyway which takes a day- |
Tutorial are better teachers then anything else. If you can't learn then there is no need to be taught. Here's some Tuts 80-epic-pixel-art-tutorials/
Learn the Basics first or w/e. |
In my opinion I don't think anyone needs to be taught or learn how to pixel art. To me that's like asking for a psychologist to help you with your problems when that's unnecessary. The most help you could get from someone is probably what programs to use for making pixel art.
can some one please quit spamming for dear god <-- I thought you were a "iconner" (non-existent term) and pixel artist? <-- Made only a day before... begging to be an admin for some reason (wanting to abuse power). <-- The... same topic as #1 but posted a week before Don't act like a 12 year old. |
Open up paint on your computer, that's all the software you'll need. Follow tutorials and learn
Well then,
Install BYOND, open up Dream Maker Start> All Programs (XP)> BYOND> Dream Maker Once DM is open, File> New Environment> Type whatever name you want the Environment to be. After you type the name of the environment, it will ask you to make a new file, Switch the Type to Icon File. Write the name in the second box, that is the name of your new icon file. The new Icon File will have a few buttons, you have no ideas what these mean. Look at the top right, to the right of the words "DMI File" you'll see two numbers, those numbers are the dimensions of your icon file, by default it should be 32x32. That is what most games go by. In the top left there are two buttons, a paint palette, which creates singular images, and a camera, which creates animations. If you click on the paint palette, you will open a one frame canvas to draw in, this is where you begin. Clicking the camera will begin an animation canvas, a series of frames which play one after the other to make animations. There are different directions to indicate which animation you should use corresponding to your character's direction in the game. Above each column is a number, that is the delay for each frame. Double clicking one of these numbers will then change how long that frame lasts, It is basically a delay. E.G making it two will make that column last for the duration of two frames. Double click on one of the frames, this will open your basic canvas. On the left you will notice a column of tools, beginning with Point and ending with Hot Spot. A quick run through for the most important tools: 1.) Point Sort of like pencil in Paint, it allows you to freely draw 2.) Line Creates a straight line from the point of origin to the point of your mouse 3.) Rect Creates a hollow square 4.) Oval Creates a hollow oval 5.) Flood Fills in an area, basically bucket 6.) Locate Will replace your active color with the one you selected On the right is your basic pallet of colors to choose from. Double clicking on one of these colors will bring you to a much more diverse menu of colors to choose from. Choosing one of these colors will then replace the color that you clicked to get into the menu with the one designated. Have fun iconning (It's a term to me) By the way you guys should lessen up on him, he probably doesn't even understand the extent of what he's saying. At the same time, insulting people won't get you anywhere, Shadow. |