Hardy' hardy mates ! Haha. I've decided, due to the lack of originality implied in most pokemon games on byond, I'd imply the surfing system. Surfing can only be done by specific pokemon. The Fly system is being programmed aswell.

The surf & flying system are like path finders, or you can use free roam. Depending on which towns you already surfed too, you can automatically go to that town or you can explore the ocean, and the sky yourself.
*Hint*: - There are very "secret" , "hidden" islands, that spawn certain pokemon =X

The transporation system is being worked on, while pokemon are still being added in by the substitute programmer.

Stay Tune for more Updates!
Surf was the best move back in the day. It rarely missed, did tons of damage, and it let you get to that one gym leader ( I think his name was Blaine or something ) by swimming in the water.
Indeed, But Surf isn't an "attack" in this game. Atleast not yet, although that "does" sound like a pretty nice idea !
Surfs up.
Why can't we swim?
Vrocaan wrote:
Why can't we swim?

You can swim. But only Pokemon can "Surf". ;D

Brings back memories of my Red Gyrados on Pokemon Gold...
How is this original..?
This isn't really original. Last I checked, Pokemon Citrine Online had a brilliant system for Flying.
F0lak wrote:
How is this original..?

Because no pokemon games have ever had surfing pokemon in them before. Sheesh.
F0lak wrote:
How is this original..?

I think he meant not done on BYOND?
It's original on byond, due to the fact that no other game has implied in theirs.

And if you guy's would like to, I'll imply swimming, although there will be "faults".
This had been done in several BYOND games already, bro. Pokemon Torn World, Pokemon Shadow Soul, Pokemon Island, Pokemon Darklight and whatever the name of Wolfen's Pokemon game was, Although most of these are from '05 and '06, they all had features like that.