I have created some basic items.
Wooden/Steel/Iron Swords
Wooden/Steel/Iron Shields
Iron chest
Iron helmet
Captain Hat
Basic Top and, Bottoms which you can color yourself.
As you can see: bellow my Knight get up! lol
Oh yeah and Candy floss Trees are there.
The Game is shaping up well, Currently makeing a vault system so you can store your gold, since i will make it so if you die you loose a % of the gold you are carrying.
* hidden text, the 666 person to join my guild gets a year Byond membership*
Also PVP now works once your level 15.. anyway looking good :) quite a few things to kill, buy, lots of NPC's, i even have a garner, and i plan on adding more wild life and town NPC's.
Blah that'll do. :)