Descriptive Problem Summary:
We have a game where we're using a semi-transparent window with a transparent color set.
When I open the window in the skin editor I can only see the top-left corner of the background image, and if I save it in this state then the same will be displayed in DreamSeeker when the game is running.
In order to work around this issue I have to edit the window and uncheck & check the "set transparent color in image" checkbox. This causes the background image to be displayed properly. Saving the window in this state also causes DreamSeeker to render the window correctly.
However I'm not sure about remote connections. Although the window is rendered correctly when connecting locally we've had the issue whereby one of us is hosting and can see the window fine, while the other logs in remotely and can only see part of the window. This may be a caching issue however we do have control_freak = CONTROL_FREAK_SKIN set.
Expected Results:
Windows with a transparent color set which are also semi-transparent should be rendered properly.
Actual Results:
There are cases where the the window is almost entirely invisible except for a small portion of the image, specifically the top-left bit.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?
The problem occurs every time and we have a testcase where we can reproduce the issue.
In other games?
In other user accounts?
On other computers?
Untested -- the problem has so far only occurred on my system, and I can't reach the other member of our project right now to verify that the issue occurs there.
When does the problem NOT occur?
The problem does not occur if you don't make use of the transparent color feature. It also doesn't occur locally if the skin has been properly saved (by unchecking and rechecking the checkbox for the transparent color before saving the window).
The only known workaround is the unchecking and rechecking of the checkbox, and although this fixes the issue locally we're not sure if it'll be fixed for remote clients.
EDIT: The issue occurs always for me now, even when I try my workaround. How am I supposed to work on this skin now?
![]() Jan 8 2012, 3:38 am (Edited on Jan 8 2012, 3:51 am)
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![]() Apr 12 2012, 11:22 am
Lummox JR resolved issue with message: