America is the reasson you have electricty, food, etc, etc.
Absolutely correct. Benjamin Franklin invented electricity using a kite. And food was a creation of the early pilgrims. Specifically, they invented turkey, mashed potatos, and cranberry sauce in a can. That is why we celebrate Thanksgiving.
American inventors made more than any other country has ever made, and ever will make.
Indeed, America invented inventing. Prior to 1776, everyone just did the same thing repeatedly.
America is very generious. We don't start wars with people, just when they try to screw us, or kill us, we kick there asses.
We give lots, even to our enemies. Our missiles that we fire at them, for example, cost zillions of dollars. We also funnel lots of money into foreign countries. Especially if they are friends with our leaders.
So, why hate America?
Meh. Who cares, you god damn stupid european.
Indeed! How could anyone hate such a gentle, but brave, nation of such eloquence? Screw you, world! America pwns you all, so you should kiss our collective ass (which is, of course, white, Christian, overweight, and in every way superior).
Uh. Nice vouch for the US public, there.