![]() May 12 2006, 8:24 am
*waits for the flamming of faggots && geeks to commense*
With a name like JediMasterCody there is no way he could possibly be either gay, geek or both. Because someone with a name like JediMasterCody is obviously a chick magnet (please see http://www.ebaumsworld.com/starwarskidv.html for proof). Especially when they are paranoidly homophobic. Certainly not in the closet. At all.
I think I can summarise what Jmurph is trying to say with this:
Cody, you have a stupid name. Go change it, then I'll unban you. |
I'm pretty sure a lot of people like me. Just not everyone. And i've found that most people who tell me they don't like me, well it turns out to be a misunderstnding. Everyone else.... well you can't please everyone.
JediMasterCody wrote:
I'm moving to Austrailia. <_< Dude, if you're a homophobe don't even think about coming to Australia. We don't like your kind. |
I like how this is has been setup
"If you're not in full support of gay rights, thou art a homophobe" "If thou art a homophobe, we don't like your kind and Thou art stupid" "Therefore, get the fuck out of my face." |
"If you're not in full support of gay rights, thou art a homophobe" Yep. Almost by definition. "If thou art a homophobe, we don't like your kind and Thou art stupid" Definitely. "Therefore, get the fuck out of my face." I never said that though. :-) |
Heh blind acceptance
Some people just don't realize the reprocussions of what they're trying to get passed. Allowing gay marriage would throw the nation into chaos. |
Oh yeah. It would really cause the entire nation to fall into anarchy, just like when we legalised gay marriage in Britain, right?
Yeah, there was fighting in the streets. Right-wing terrorist cells and gay rioting throughout the capital. Sol; if you continue to post such laughable rubbish on my blog then I'll have to enforce a strict zero-tolerance rule on bullshit. *edit* Seriously, what? "ARGH!!! THERE'S A GAY MARRIAGE IN SECTOR 5!! THEY'RE COMING THROUGH THE WALLS!!!!" *radio crackles* *sound of marine being devoured by rabid, newly-wed gay* |
i'm not talking about england. England is mostly atheist I think. United states is not the same. I'm not kidding here. You've never lived in a mostly christian country. It will cause chaos.
England is not mostly atheist- not nearly atheist enough.
Source 1: 71.6% of all people living in the United Kingdom are Christian. (America having 80% of their people Christian) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_by_country Source 2: # United States, 84% (Muslim 0.5%, Jewish 2%) # Brazil, 80% (mostly Roman Catholic) # United Kingdom, 69% (Muslim 2.5%, Hindu 1.6%, Jewish 0.6%, Buddhist 0.3%) (proportions of christians in a country) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_religious_populations I've never lived in a Christian country? Don't make me laugh. =p Your assumption that it would cause chaos is absolutely hilarious. Also- Sol said: "i'm not talking about england." Neither was I. I spoke of Britain in my last comment, not England. Sol said: "I'm not kidding here." You're right; you're not kidding. You're bullshitting. |
You serious? I Thought I saw statistics with something like 45% christian. England, Britian, same shit.
You serious? A lot more serious than your "gay marriage will cause national chaos" rubbish. =p I Thought I saw statistics with something like 45% christian. We can only dream. ='( England, Britian, same shit. Yeah, I know what you mean. I'd love to go visit America one day; y'know, see the sights, Mexico, Canada. Cuba, North America, same shit. Can't really tell the difference. |
I remember the last time giving people civil rights and equality caused riots. Remember them race riots in America? Caused by them giving too many rights to black people right?
Right? NO WRONG IT'S THE OPPOSITE WAY ROUND GIVING PEOPLE RIGHTS MAKES THEM HAPPY, NOT SAD *repeatedly smashes Solbadguy's face with a brick made out of logic and reason* |
Seriously though. Of EVERYTHING in the entire universe that would cause national chaos, gay marriage is not one of them.
Seriously, dude. =/ How could you ever dream that up? Forget terrorism. It's WEDDING VOWS that really are endangering the American public. |