The Age Of Pirates

by Anthonyfile2
Based on a world of Adventure where you choose your role in the Pirate Age
Anthony File(key:Anthonyfile2)(Owner;Coder,Iconner)
Maruchan D. Chicken(key:MaruchanDchicken)(Co-Owner;Iconner)

Many thanks go out to Mysterio(key:Ernesto5432) who has helped a lot with the server.
Recent News:The game has had some pretty major updates regarding how things work mechanically, more updates to come, also the game has wiped due to these updates. As a side note, Observation Haki now works, and Magery has been temporarily disabled until further updates.

Game Includes:

46 Different Skill Fruits! (As of, 02-6-12)Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Features Attacking/Attackable NPCs! Everyone please give a Thank-You to Mysterio(Ernesto5432)! He is the coder/owner of one of the best One Piece sources and Im very greatful for the codes hes supplyed us with!

a Old World Map (1000x1000 tiles)
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a New World Map (1000x1000 tiles) + is split into 9 seas to make Skill Fruit Hunting hard.

Great PvP System!

4 Different Races to Choose from!; Human, Cyborg, Fishman, or Giant!

5 Main Skills - Haki, Stamina, Strength, Endurance, Speed.

Plenty of Weapon Skill Types with skills you can learn from them!
|Handwork|Footwork|Blunt Weapons|Swordsmanship|Marksmanship|Archery|Magery|Whips|

3 Basic Classes that Stem off into tons of other Classes - Pirate, Marine, Bounty Hunter.
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Player Owned Houses!; Players can be rewarded a personal house from events. Houses provide private shops, training spots, and crew/fleet benefits.
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Events Everyday For Rare Prizes, hosted by our admins!

The Guide for Noobies =)
1. Connect to a hosted server, by clicking one of the links above.
2.Once Loaded up, you should Click "New" as you are just starting out.
3.You will most likely only get the option to be a human, but if lucky the other 3 races have a randomized chance of showing up as being able to be chose.
4.You are now at the Character creation, this is pretty straight forward, just Choose what you want to look like, Change your name, and then lets move to step 5 while your still on Character creation.
5.Distributing Points, Every race starts out with a different amount of stat points, I suggest distributing them evenly, heres what the different stats do;
Stamina-Counts towards your Health mainly, and energy to an extent,
Strength-Counts towards your Damage, and armor to an extent,
Endurance-Counts towards your Armor, and energy to an extent,
Speed- determines how fast you move.
6.After distributing your stats how you see fit, now move on to logging-in.
The different Races all have their own staring Spawns, but if your a noob I recommend going as a Human as mainland(Human-Spawn) has helpful tip signs.
7.Go to your starting areas Shop (if your on mainland it should be to the north-east)
gear up and buy yourself some gear,(Boxing Gloves,Wooden Tonfas,Wooden Katanas,Slingshots, and Fighting-Boots are the main starting weapons that people like to use.) Other than that pick some clothes and right click them in your inventory to customize the colors on them to add personalization to your gear.
8.Now if your spawn is mainland just walk back towards that house you spawned at, once there either head west to the logs accross the bridge or south to the logs below the cliff.(Warning- Once you leave the cliff or bridge you enter a non-safe zone)
9.Press W and focus on a skill you want to train on, and start attacking the logs to improve your focused skill.
10.Start by killing Chickens they are great for low levels to start on.
11.Be sure to level Haki and End so your armor goes up by using the skill "Armaments"
12.Using Armaments drains your Willpower fast so watch it, if it gets too low you will lose your armor bonus and become vulnerable. Press Q to rest.
13.At this point you can grind on multiple different NPCs ingame until you feel comfortable to PvP or go search for outposts for some extra money.
14.Outposts give money after a set time, that loops over and over as long as you have control of it, another way to get money is to PvP and kill people for their bountys.
15.Once you've got to lvl 250+ you can head to New World to search for fruits. NW can be accessed by talking to the New World Spawn Manager, at (980, 660) - on your compass.
16.Skill Fruits can be found anywhere on the New World Map only. They can be on Land or Water your best bet is search the whole sea your on before moving to another sea, Also there is 10 Skill Fruits on the nw map at any given time, as soon as one is picked up, another is spawned randomly.
17.After this point your pretty much set, you should know based on game experience what all you can do from here, I chose not to give details on the 3 Classes, and their stemming off classes as I want players to make their decisions for themselves, not based on what I think is good.
Basic Controls

To talk in "say" press -
To talk in "global" press =

Move Up - Up Arrow Key
Move Down - Down Arrow Key
Move Right - Right Arrow Key
Move Left - Left Arrow Key

Focus Training - W

Rest(restores Health,Energy,Willpower) - Q
Dive(dives underwater) - E

Punch - A
Kick - S
Slash - D
Swing - F
Pull Trigger - G
Shoot Arrow - X

To bind skills earned from skill masters/consumed DFs make you have to make the macro appear like this -
.click "Skill-Name" , and make sure you put it on +REP.
so if you want to bind Rapid-Slice, you need to bind .click Rapid-Slice to any key that you dont have used.
another example is, if you have the Dragon fruit, you want to bind .click Dragon-Dragon to be able to go into your fruit forms.

-_- Open the server
up now
Sick server :P
Guys, are giants any good?
anthony no one can play with this lag
plz put the game for download....

with this lag is difficult to play ...
we need two thinks...
a new host and a gm, i don't wanna be
but we need a gm who can reboot the game in some momentes, because some stuffs a drop in all map , and some people are training afk...
what is going on whit server? it keeps going down =(
What is this bullshit. Fix the damn server <.<
I like this game, has lot of good stuff and friendly Admins, I'm looking forward to the grand opening :D

I'll be playing this forevah !!
great game good system the players/staff are very friendly very few bugs tht are barely noticeable
Great server hope to see you on it :P
hey ant Wrath here just want u to know that lace killed me over 200 times and wiped me whhen asked y she said i afk trained 4 tiems today last i afk trained alst night into the mroingi when server went down so to say that is a lie she tried to prove correct by saying u maru and her self live together which by all means i belve but as sttaed b4 afk traning 4 tiems in 1 day is a lie shes admin could of simply booted me like kahlid who was las person to boot me for afk traiing miday monday so her reasoning was void for speaking up for myself she boots me and calls me a troll which makes no sence sence troll do things out of random acts of idiosity iws defending myself for an unjust action after confronther about boot she then summons and kills me a few times abuse of powers then mutes me and tell me to quote STFU and that i was afk triang i sign in to anther account to say that i never said i didnt afk train and that marinefor wasnt my afk place cuz i nonly started triang there 3 days ago when the saves kept not being put in another accout i tell ther this sence this 1 is muted i am srry for ong message im mostly ventening and wish to ask u to give me back my stats
and lvl aswell as tell lace that if she wants to wipe some1 do it in an admin way and to use facts that are true not make thigns up to fit the situation her acsions prove imature and thus prove my point that i was wrongfully killed over 200 times and wiped i go the stats b4 closoithg the window on the wiped message window
haki 78 stamina 191 str 98 enderance 123 speed 81 blunt work 301 swordsmanship 644
Hello admins of AoP, I'm kind of A LOT pissed about being randomly wipe for no apparent reason. I talked to Khalid as well as Anthony and all the usual players and asked why I had been wiped and there was no apparent reason. Nobody seemed to know why or how as I had been in Soul's house afk (not training) while I was taking a shower. So there is no way I could/should have been wiped since I was in a Safe Zone (house) and wasn't breaking any rules whatsoever.
need hoster ? i am hoster 24/7 internet 10MB

add msn:
I purfer hand to hand. TAKE OFF THE FUCKIN WEAPONS ONLY COMBAT!!!!! -_-

It's stupid, usless, and plainly unnessisary.

PLEASE take it off! No offence.
Can you add GEAR 3RD?? I'd REALLY wanna see it! :3
There is gear third
I hope more people join this game. I'd like it to be popular. :)
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