The Proof of Stupidity:
The Pretzel
The American Taxpayers spend millions of dollars each year for the secret service. However, the "terrists" have found a new way to kill our president and overthrow our government: Salty snack foods.
That's right, George W. Bush choked on a pretzel. It seems that the guy needs a secret service agent to sit there and tell him, "Ok, now swallow sir. There you go. Oh, you got something dribbling down your chin, let me get that..."
See the nation's response!
The Segway
Millions of dollars went into designing the Segway with two wheels so it stays upright. Who is the only person in the world that can possibly make it fall? You guessed it.
Fool me once
The great president doesn't even know common sayings in his own country. I hear this saying about 4 times a day.
""There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."
The correct saying, of course, is "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me."
Whoops, I almost forgot Poland
In the 2004 Presidential debate, Bush's opponent, John Kerry, was naming off the countries that supported the war in Iraq. Suddenly, George W. Bush burst out, "You forgot Poland!" The audience was completely silent. Surely, this would be the turning point in the election and Kerry would win. Unfortunately, it was not. But, here's to Poland, our great friend, who has aided us in many wars like the Civil War, the war of 1812 and even helped Will Smith upload the virus to the alien ship's main computer somewhere in space.
* George Bush = He bugs Al Gore.
* George W Bush = He grew bogus.