![]() Dec 26 2005, 7:32 am
Post your comments here!
![]() Mar 2 2012, 8:38 am
oi a versão portugue-Br de pokemon não está conectando por que?Qunado volta?
o mano 5 d maio de 2012 é 22:53 aqi.. e fica só assim: Launchig
da 1] vez q fui fze o char entro, mas em deu tmepde fazer o char pq d umapeuena qda de energiaque reincio o p ai fu log entra e nao deu + fica só carrega ali.. sbe pq, ocmo resolver /fiqei na estiga pra joga ese jogo me ajua ai mu MSN> [email protected] |
vei de boa, acho que vocÊ deveria dar mais valor ao server BR. So mesmo jeito que la não tem gente que não quer RP, tem gente tambem que quer. Mas é dificil, porque já assim que elas entram ta tudo em ingles. Pf, da uma ajuda ae cara
Hey man, I created a new character and didnt even move but I was banned... And I don't know why??? This was my first time playing. My name is Jesus.
the admin in your pokemon game are acting like they rule there changing peoples name for no reason and they baned us for speaking up about that
I talked to an Admin he posted something on your Azura game and we talked on PWORP
i was banned by Anita_Wind because she was trolling me and i asked why |
Every time I'd click join, it'd say connecting...then slap me away by disappearing. qq
Heyy~ I donated <3 But server is down p_p ... If you gave up then ima shoot you >.> and refund lmfaoo <3