Its time again for another Wargames round. I've updated it again to include the tutorials (you may have already seen it) which is now accessible via the interface. In addition, I've added a new way to gain money and a progression in the Space Race.
This round is a Cold War game lasting 10 days, and will finish on Sunday the 1st of January. Its a contest round this time, and I'll be offering a Wargames Subscription pack to the winner. In addition, I'll be giving smaller subs (3 Months to Wargames Original) to the leading players of the losing alliances and a month Sub (to Wargames Original) to the 2nd place positions in each of the 3 alliances. That means there is 6 prizes available and it doesn't matter if you aren't top of the board, you still have a chance.
The usual rules apply, current Subs are exempt and ranking will apply in the event of a tie for any of the positions.
In addition to the Video Tutorials, there is a new addition to the Space Race, building a Space Station will give you the prestige of a floating station. A new spy option is added to check it out once you've built it.
The most important addition is a change to the way factories work. You can now use unit production buildings to make money. You can decide the level of civic/war use by the divider in the Ministry of Industry. The payoff though is that it'll use some of your metal supply. When you aren't building units, or going offline, it might be a good idea to switch to make some extra money.
* Fix: A silly bug on my behalf, nukes were not being referenced properly and using wrong ones at firing, or not even at all.
* Fix: Being wiped out sometimes left you with a food drain despite not having any people anymore.
* Change: Increased money from Government buildings tenfold (still not much).
* Change: Motto is now shown in Ministry of Culture (was together originally, before split from Seat of Government).
* Change: When attacking, it should bug you less about cancelling certain actions you shouldn't have to worry about.
* New: Replaced the box that asks whether you want to host or join an online game when starting up for the first time with a nicer image option. Also added Tutorial.
- Tutorial mode will basically run a game with pre-set options, intended to be followed with the video tutorials. Its technically hostable, but you're obviously stuck with the options preset.
* New: Placed a new button on interface which links directly to a pop up that can display the video tutorials in-game.
* New: New Medals: Red Wings [E], Blue Stripes [M] and Green Chevrons [H] are all medals for the total medal counter. Reach the 3rd, 6th and 9th rank to gain each.
- Note, you may have to reload for this to work.
* New: Medal for Space Station, the next stage in the space exploration.
- When you have launched your space station, it will float about aimlessly across the globe.
* New: Use Station Spying in 'Other' tab to take a look at where your station is right now.
* New: Civic use of unit production buildings, take advantage of your blacksmiths, factories, assembly lines and yards to produce cash from your metal supply when not building units.
- You can set the % of either civic or war through the Industry Ministry. Note that you can never get more cash than you normally would from 'poll tax' (base rate from population) so you will need to build more towns if this is maxed.
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