Dec 30 2011, 6:18 pm
and can i be a mod nothing special just someone who is online so i can help ppl
What happened to server? o.o
PS: u cant even damage me ich it will be mine! :) |
Gar, do you really have to ask him to stop spamming your game on someone ELSE'S game? It just seems hyppocrytical to me. You don't even comment about the game or anything, you use it as a means to talk to Kkais, whereas it would be easy to join the game. Sorry if I sound a bit like a douche now. But don't spam this game with useless crap either. You don't like it? Well what makes you think someone else will?
Hooloo i have to say dont get involved into it to be fair KKais should have never spammed hims game if he is upset with that he has the right to complain be thankfull he has just gave a little comment. ~Dazzler
Dazzer wrote:
Hooloo i have to say dont get involved into it to be fair KKais should have never spammed hims game if he is upset with that he has the right to complain be thankfull he has just gave a little comment. ~Dazzler Go back to your game ;D. |
Only reason I am not hosting is cause of Mitc. If he gets online i will host... =/
seriously lol comeone man we wanna play xD dont be a hoster hogger lol<----- joke