Hello BYOND! It is me Kwaku Boakye founder of BeyondWorld. Our Aim is To Make Softwares. And On Byond Make Games, Demos, Libraries. Our Own Games. No Fan Games.(That doesnt mean we dont support them) As of today we are Offically Claiming this Group Active.
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Thank You ,
Kwaku Boakye
Dec 19 2011, 2:00 pm
Wasn't your last post about a Naruto-based fan-game? Lmao.
Why should we donate? You haven't showed us anything, you except us to donate to some random stranger?
Ohai. Well good job supporting BYOND with your $18+ for this membership thats going to go to a complete waste for anyone but them.
Ryuk25 wrote:
Why should we donate? You haven't showed us anything, you except us to donate to some random stranger? Haha, exactly. 90% of the people on BYOND with donate buttons on their blog don't even do anything worth donating to. |
Ryuk25 wrote:
Why should we donate? You haven't shown us anything, you except us to donate to some random stranger? |
I Don't Think I Should Spend My Hard Earned Money On People Who Type Like This.
Chillax guys. And he's better than you think.
PS:Will ya'll donate meh a membership if ya'll show you meh work? Cuz if it's like that, I want a membership >:-0! PSS: Vrocaan sucks at trolling :3 (ET is better) |
Companies are generally registered, be it in US law (to my knowledge) or UK law, granting it a certain legal independence from the founding member(s). The Chief Executive Officer would be employed by the company to act as it's main decision-maker, ultimately answer to shareholders etc etc.
I think all we really need to establish from this is that to call oneself a CEO without actually being a CEO is really just a harm to one's credibility. The comments following this post are of course the working proof of the negative effects of misrepresentation in this particular matter. Perhaps the author should consider his position with more care when writing in future. I would prefer to see a finished and polished game, not a ... 'BeyondWorld', if I'm quite honest. But of course, to deride such activities is neither helpful, nor particularly challenging. Nay, even Ryuk25 can do it. I should perhaps take to posting on things I like in future. |