![]() Jul 8 2012, 3:20 pm
eternal i got booted from tourney cause i was about to win the tournament vs yondaime with naruto and he said a admin said that it is a 10 minute limit for jumping and i was about to win in 1 hit about then i got booted then i lost tourney/Tell Itznotme to stop hosting tourneys that boot people
http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=859180 |
Good game, but certain jutsus and characters are way too overpowered, it seems like the owner did not think about the balance at all, and all of these new homing moves are destroying the game. Also most of his staff members are dickheads, which is not a surprise considering, he is selling out better characters, as well as gm status, disguising them as 'donations'.
Does anyone want to halfie on Hosting costs? I want to get the first plan on Byondpanel to host this game, but wanted to see if anyone want to halfie on it, that'd 2.50 me and 2.50 you.
Makoto I would consider if I undeerstood what you meant...Is it 2.50$ a month to host this on a lag free server what you are asking? Because this game does need a good lag free host...Most of the host's servers can't handle the game either because the game is too much for their connection speed or they want to host a bunch of different games at once.
sorry to the people that had fun on my lag-less server, but i seem to be having some complications with my hosting. ill put it up as soon as possible
Hey guys i got sth to ask. I was playing this game before on windows XP SP3 and then i got problems on my pc and had to reinstall windows now im with widows XP SP2 and it doesnt wana run so i wana ask if my windows does the problem. Thx in advance
very awesome game, id love to see alot of characters but ive only played one time so im pretty sure ill see alot :D ty eternal memories, this is one of my favorite games now ^-^ but also there is an abuser,8123tom that goes kyuubi with kisame and goes gates at the same time, please fix this
Abuser http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=vo2yp3&s=6 His key is solarbeans acording to other people.
Teen and all other Gm's here the second proof he admited he is solar http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=33mbvck&s=6
- Kakuzu's stats have been buffed. - Enma Summon & Explosive Kunais are dodgeable now. - People can no longer be damaged during Enma's Attack. - From now on Clones & Akamaru are automatically disabled during Tourney. - Kirin could damage people using Gates & Boulder form, fixed. Thanks @TeenGogeta. - OOC Chat no longer allows html. Thanks @TeenGogeta. - People transforming can no longer move. - The following jutsus are now dodgeable: Sand Manipulation, Explosive Puppet, Kusanagi and Crow Puppet, enjoy! - Kankuro's puppet was poisoning even if you were immune, fixed! Thanks @Swordslash2000. - Tobi can use dodge much faster than others and it drains /4. - Fixed a bug that was draining everybody's energy. - Fixed some bugs related to transformations. - Sand Manipulation has been nerfed a bit. - Some important & minor bugs have been fixed. Thanks @TeenGogeta. Report any other bug! |
mira eternal no se si te acuerdas de mi JINETE007
si quieres te puedo crear un website de eternal memories para que puedan saber de los updates y otras cosas y tus projectos pronto podre entraar a byond pero no puedo ahora por que tengo ubuntu entonces byond no entra by JINETE007 |
JINETE007 wrote:
mira eternal no se si te acuerdas de mi JINETE007 by JINETE007 Ya tenemos un comando para ver las actualizaciones, pero ok o,o. |
Bakumasu abused and he is a sore loser he died as pein than logged off and logged in and changed to kabuto and than need booted him and he booted him back http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=34eakwh&s=6