![]() Nov 25 2011, 11:01 am
Lol did he just bring the Wright brothers into this?
What a derp. :)
You're forgetting animations. If you have a 4 frame walking animation and a 2 frame attacking animation and one frame for standing per ANGLE per character, you're looking at several thousand frames per object. This is not feasible in any way. |
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
This is not feasible in any way. People said flight wasn't feasible. And what did the Wright brothers do? They took to the skies! |
@Flame Sage: Thanks. That's one less discouragement.
@Green Lime: Do you still have the sources? I could probably use them to find something new. Thanks for the good luck as well. (Even though you may be being sarcastic.) - P.S.: All 3D Games are roughly about 30MBs to 10GBs in size. Your 10MB RSC shouldn't really be a downer for such a great discovery. ("Did he really bring the Wright Brothers into this?" Yes I did. And their first flight sucked ass but then they added a rutter and more stuff to the plane. We can also add more things to make the game less space consuming.) @Vegetas4: You don't have to really be a good iconner to test this. I simply made a Box with a white inside and a black outline. Then when src.leftrighticon increases, the left vertical outline is moved to the right one. The same concept with the other variable. I will show you a video on how I have already tested this. @EmpirezTeam: Yes, I did. It was the quickest analogy I could think of. Plus it makes a bit of sense with the point I am trying to get across. @D4RK3 54B3R: Let's call the icon_state="Box Test [src.leftrighticon],[src.updownicon]" rotate_state. Each rotate_state will be their own animation. Simple. If you don't get then or doubt me still then I will show you it being done through a video hopefully to be shown in my next post. Thanks for the feedback by the way, this is another update for the idea. @EmpirezTeam: Damn right they did. Otherwise we wouldn't be able go on vacations easier like how I'm going to Hawaii in December. . On a "plane". Awesome? Yes. |
The big difference between this and the Wright brothers is that the Wright brothers didn't wait for someone else to build an airplane then decide, "That's not good enough," and tie a bunch of penguins to a Buick and expect it to fly. They used the right tools for the job, didn't have outrageous expectations, and took into account the limitations of their technology.
You're trying to make a 3d game with a 2d platform that doesn't support 3d and sprites. This would have been reasonable, if we didn't have much better ways of handling 3d already. Instead of wasting your time trying to hack together a useless tech demo, why not just use a platform that actually supports 3d? What you're doing has been done, and it's been proven to be incredibly inefficient and not usable in a game. Even if it hadn't been done yet, there are other people who are better programmers and who understand the language more fully than you. Why do you think they haven't all done this? They haven't done it because it isn't useful. It doesn't add anything to BYOND, nor does it add anything to any games on BYOND. It isn't feasible to use 3d in a BYOND game, no matter how much you work on it and tweak it and optimize, it just won't work. If you genuinely just don't understand why this can't be a viable option, then I envy you your oblivious ignorance, it must be wonderful. |
It sounds like you're going to generate icon states of each object being viewed at different angles. Aside from the problem of needing too many icon states, I just don't think it'll look nice. You could essentially make an isometric view that can rotate but that still lacks perspective. You'd need to make objects that are further from the camera appear smaller (and objects that are closer appear larger, so the icons would need to have a high resolution).
You're not doing much that the isometric mode doesn't already do. Even if it's possible, it's not worth the cost of adding this effect. |
Xirre wrote:
Ether7. When did you first join BYOND? March 2011? Am I right? Which would be 2 months before you. |
Ether7 wrote:
he'll learn from this, let him try what hes doing :P They said the Wright brothers would learn from trying to fly, and to just let them try what they were doing! AND LOOK AT WHAT THEY DID NIGGA. THEY BUILT THE DAMN SPACESHIPS!!!!111 |
Yeah, BYOND does not handle 3D too well. One good example of very slow handling is a raycasting demo (which is pseudo-3D) Unknown Person put up back in 2005. It was a cool project, but was very slow. Especially when trying to render textures at real-time.
It doesn't hurt to try though. It is, however, no lie about the performance issues with 3D. JackGuy had a pretty cool wire-framed demo though (regardless of no skins). |
I found a way to do this somewhat, though like said below, it's way too slow. Instead of using sprites, generate the images in real-time using built in icon-procs. It's not even possible to generate the view in real-time for a 2D game inside of a reasonable timeframe(5-6 seconds on my comp[a cybertron fortress, able to play any game on top-settings...]). BYOND just doesn't handle a large amount of icon-operations well... :/
Why don't we host a server where everything is downloaded? It's downloaded bit by bit as the player moves? I was thinking of doing this. It seems a bit simple.
Xirre wrote:
Why don't we host a server where everything is downloaded? It's downloaded bit by bit as the player moves? I was thinking of doing this. It seems a bit simple. Your idea has the same problems as an experiment I made and played around with. You can download that experiment here. The reason why this won't work is because the BYOND cache overflows and crashes the game, and that the dreamseeker ends up taking up >1GB of RAM. Unless you have everything pregenerated and included within the RSC. If you do that, then you're going to need to have fun with dealing with thousands of rendered icon states (to the tune of 100,000+ icon states per object). I'm positive that this will also instantly crash dreamseeker. Your approach to this is not feasible. |