Keywords: 360, 3d, byond, idea

Poll: Would you like some BYOND Games to be in 3D? This poll may tell me to continue.

Yes 56% (41)
No 27% (20)
Yes, can I work with you? 15% (11)

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It is now 3:11 AM. I have been up watching television and working on an idea that crossed my mind: BYOND in 360° View. Here is an idea of what has been done.

So, I was talking with my cousin and he saw I was using a 3D Drawing software and also playing BYOND. While I was drawing he asks me, "What are you doing?" and I reply, "I am modeling a 3D body." His response was, "Do you mean you are drawing BYOND in 3D?" because he hasn't played much so he was just curious if BYOND had a 3D feature. All of this crossed my mind and I said, "There's always a way. . Always." This is just how BYOND in 3D crossed my mind.

My main idea was that I would make a top, right, back, and front view. Then, as a screen icon there will be a <- and -> for left and right rotations. Then a up and down button for. . Well you get the idea. There will probably be about a hundred icons for one object probably but its a start. What would happen is an example like so:

src.icon_state="BoxTest [src.leftrighticon],[src.updownicon]"
src.icon_state="BoxTest [src.leftrighticon],[src.updownicon]"
src.icon_state="BoxTest [src.leftrighticon],[src.updownicon]"
src.icon_state="BoxTest [src.leftrighticon],[src.updownicon]"

What this means is that when you click left the game will change your variable along with the other 3 buttons; right, up, and down. To go in farther, I used a Box Icon with lighting on it (I gave it a shading from Red:0 Blue: 0 Green: 0 colors to 255 in all 3 to make it look a bit realistic). This box is suppose to have 100 icons with the following name: Box Test 1{through 100 as well.},0 . But, seeing as how it was thanksgiving I didn't do this idea until I got home. Now I am here sharing this great idea with you. If a person is willing to go out of their way to do all this work for you then they are an awesome person. But. . I have something else to say.

A 3D game on BYOND (in my eyes as a good enough graphical 3D game) 400 - 800 icons. 400 being 100 for each direction. 800 for 200 in each direction. I am also thing if making a Windows Program where this can be easier. You draw just like you do on BYOND but instead it'll be something similar to the 3D modeling software's out there. There will be a button that is circular. More of an analog actually. You can drag it to rotate the screen and this software will be maximized at 200 icons per direction. I'll make it free and all. 1 dot will be a 3D cube itself. Like a 3D pixel. While you rotate you should be able to see this. I know this will be hard but it seems pretty basic (still will be hard to though) to make a drawing software like this. Once saved, it'll take a snapshot of each directions 200 rotations and save them in a .dmi . Then you can import it from there. (I don't know if BYOND would want me using a .dmi file in my program. If not, they can say so now. I will disregard that idea.)

If there are any programmers out there who would like to assist, comment below and we can team up. It's just like a 3D Modeler and when imported into BYOND people can implement codes into the game like the one above to read these icons when rotated.

If there are any people who know programmers out there, tell them about this post.

Comment on this idea below as well.

*P.S. I know that the turfs won't change either. Which is why turf can be iconned in this 3D Modeler for BYOND too. I will post a code for that. Bassically what then code will do is make it so every icon is the same as the src's leftrighticon and updownicon. But this will also mean that BYOND 3D will be a 1 player only. BUT! This is a start. (I haven't done this yet but I also have seen that games with quests in them have made it so each individual character sees a different icon above a quest givers head. A yellow "!" and a grey "?" as examples. This can also be used to rotate the game.)*

--P.P.S. I hate rip-offs. Want to work on this? Go ahead. Just don't take credit for the idea and be sure to let me know you are working on it.--
@4:37 AM: Actually, just a 32x32 icon size will need 32 icons for each direction. I just saw that while I was progressing on my work.
There's already several demos for 3D engines on BYOND.
They work well enough, but only for single player.

You're not going to be able to get past the hard limitation of BYOND's networking protocol, it's simply too slow.
There are? I will go check them out now then. I'll probably modify them and post an update of them somewhere.

Mind telling me what exactly happens with these. . limitations? I haven't seen them. (Sorry for sounding so new but I have never experienced what you are talking about and we all have our days where we don't understand something.)
It's just too much to process and send to the player. BYOND has a networking protocol that was designed for 2D games.

If you try to push that many graphics to the player in that short of time frame, you're not going to be able to make it smooth.

I don't see any 3D resources like the idea I am talking about. I meant like full 360. Not an isometric. Are you sure?


And I was thinking of that and I know that's why BYOND has not moved in to 3D. What if there was our own limitation? A code that only updates the icons to be rotated within view(7) when the screen size is view(6). Since it is only 1 player then this shouldn't be a problem to do. I say view(7) because what if it doesn't change it quick enough and they move forward? Wouldn't you see the unchanged icon? There's always a will and a way. Always.
Trust me. You're not going to be able to get a full 3D game working on BYOND.
It's impossible with the current engine's networking.
Never discourage an idea. Always keep it open. There's always a way to do it. It may be hard as hell to do, but in the end there IS a way.

From comment #1 to comment #4 I have been getting tons of more ideas to add on to this. Especially a stabilization idea by only having a view of icons changed.
And in the end, if it's too hard to do, it probably consumes up too much processing to be worthwhile.
It could possibly be compressed someway. Possibly stopping one process while another does its job, cooling down the process usage. A 6x6 Map rarely uses any of a processor. If you make it so nothing off a users screen moves or is read then that could possibly reduce usage, am I right?
Xirre wrote:
It could possibly be compressed someway. Possibly stopping one process while another does its job, cooling down the process usage. A 6x6 Map rarely uses any of a processor. If you make it so nothing off a users screen moves or is read then that could possibly reduce usage, am I right?

No. This isn't at all practical for anything other than a tech demo to say you did it.
So, if I get somewhere, will anybody jump in and contribute? I am already working on this and it's running smooth so far for me. Not the slightest usage. (Thought I have close to one of the best processors out there though. Making it hard to test. .)
DivineTraveller wrote:
No. This isn't at all practical for anything other than a tech demo to say you did it.

@The discouraging people: Here's an analogy. . In the 1900s people told the Wright Brothers they couldn't fly. It was something just not plainly possible. Just because other people failed at it does that mean they should too? They kept their mind open to try something "hard to do" or not possible at all. So I am just saying, stop discouraging and at least give feedback on what can be done to improve it. Probably debating on what might go wrong might be a start? Find some solutions to the problems?
It's because the Wright Brothers didn't understand flying.

We understand that the underlying architecture of BYOND's networking engine, it's physically IMPOSSIBLE to do what you are trying to do remotely.

On a locally hosted server, yes, it may be possible, but not over the network.
Okay, make a local 3D game then? Probably this will give us a deeper understanding of something new. And maybe we may see something we can't possibly see now, probably enabling us the ability to make it 2 players. And then so on.
Xirre wrote:
Okay, make a local 3D game then? Probably this will give us a deeper understanding of something new. And maybe we may see something we can't possibly see now, probably enabling us the ability to make it 2 players. And then so on.

I give up, go ahead and try if you'd like.
But I can guarantee you won't make it far.
I've tried something similar to what you are describing on a game called Galaxy. It was meant to be an RTS with 3d tiled worlds which could rotate around. I spent a few days writing a ruby script for Sketchup to break up the globe in to tiles. If I rember right, when I finally got the icons on the game it shot the rsc to something like 10's of MB. At that point I said scrouge it and gave up.
I guess what I am trying to say is... Good luck.
It's a great idea but are you a real good iconner to make your icons to 360° ?
If you want 3d, go use a language that supports it natively. It's been tried time and time again here, and the results were less than satisfactory.
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