So, I was talking with my cousin and he saw I was using a 3D Drawing software and also playing BYOND. While I was drawing he asks me, "What are you doing?" and I reply, "I am modeling a 3D body." His response was, "Do you mean you are drawing BYOND in 3D?" because he hasn't played much so he was just curious if BYOND had a 3D feature. All of this crossed my mind and I said, "There's always a way. . Always." This is just how BYOND in 3D crossed my mind.
My main idea was that I would make a top, right, back, and front view. Then, as a screen icon there will be a <- and -> for left and right rotations. Then a up and down button for. . Well you get the idea. There will probably be about a hundred icons for one object probably but its a start. What would happen is an example like so:
src.icon_state="BoxTest [src.leftrighticon],[src.updownicon]"
src.icon_state="BoxTest [src.leftrighticon],[src.updownicon]"
src.icon_state="BoxTest [src.leftrighticon],[src.updownicon]"
src.icon_state="BoxTest [src.leftrighticon],[src.updownicon]"
What this means is that when you click left the game will change your variable along with the other 3 buttons; right, up, and down. To go in farther, I used a Box Icon with lighting on it (I gave it a shading from Red:0 Blue: 0 Green: 0 colors to 255 in all 3 to make it look a bit realistic). This box is suppose to have 100 icons with the following name: Box Test 1{through 100 as well.},0 . But, seeing as how it was thanksgiving I didn't do this idea until I got home. Now I am here sharing this great idea with you. If a person is willing to go out of their way to do all this work for you then they are an awesome person. But. . I have something else to say.
A 3D game on BYOND (in my eyes as a good enough graphical 3D game) 400 - 800 icons. 400 being 100 for each direction. 800 for 200 in each direction. I am also thing if making a Windows Program where this can be easier. You draw just like you do on BYOND but instead it'll be something similar to the 3D modeling software's out there. There will be a button that is circular. More of an analog actually. You can drag it to rotate the screen and this software will be maximized at 200 icons per direction. I'll make it free and all. 1 dot will be a 3D cube itself. Like a 3D pixel. While you rotate you should be able to see this. I know this will be hard but it seems pretty basic (still will be hard to though) to make a drawing software like this. Once saved, it'll take a snapshot of each directions 200 rotations and save them in a .dmi . Then you can import it from there. (I don't know if BYOND would want me using a .dmi file in my program. If not, they can say so now. I will disregard that idea.)
If there are any programmers out there who would like to assist, comment below and we can team up. It's just like a 3D Modeler and when imported into BYOND people can implement codes into the game like the one above to read these icons when rotated.
If there are any people who know programmers out there, tell them about this post.
Comment on this idea below as well.
*P.S. I know that the turfs won't change either. Which is why turf can be iconned in this 3D Modeler for BYOND too. I will post a code for that. Bassically what then code will do is make it so every icon is the same as the src's leftrighticon and updownicon. But this will also mean that BYOND 3D will be a 1 player only. BUT! This is a start. (I haven't done this yet but I also have seen that games with quests in them have made it so each individual character sees a different icon above a quest givers head. A yellow "!" and a grey "?" as examples. This can also be used to rotate the game.)*
--P.P.S. I hate rip-offs. Want to work on this? Go ahead. Just don't take credit for the idea and be sure to let me know you are working on it.--