CauTi0N wrote:
An IDE won't give you motivation to program.
On the contrary, one of the things that made programming Java fun was because the IDE ( Eclipse ) was so darn awesome. Dream Maker on the other hand looks like it was created when I was born. There is no pizazz to it - it couldn't get any more basic.
Thought I'd roll in to agree with the general sentiment here. Eclipse has me pretty well sold, because the feature-set means I spend very little time having to seek and search for things, and so I spend more time on actually doing code.
I can organise my code as ingeniously as I like in DreamMaker, but answering thoughts like "Ahh okay, lets look at what's going on in /that/ procedure I'm calling then" is still a task that requires my intellectual input in DreamMaker.
In Eclipse, I hit F3 on the procedure where I currently am. I am now staring at that procedure's definition. No thought expended, as it's pretty much a habitual reaction to that train of thought occurring, as well. So bad in fact, that I hit F3 on DreamMaker and stare dumb-founded as nothing happens.
That's just one feature. Lets not get started on built in documentation thumbnails, auto-completes, refactoring tools and my ultimate Eclipse fanboy tool Ctrl + 1 (quick fix). Works on compile errors, warnings, resource errors, procedure calls, variables ... everything.
On the contrary, one of the things that made programming Java fun was because the IDE ( Eclipse ) was so darn awesome. Dream Maker on the other hand looks like it was created when I was born. There is no pizazz to it - it couldn't get any more basic.
Even simple things, like an actual button ( maybe a green arrow ) to represent compile would be nice. But no, I have to hover over Build and choose the compile option, or hit CTRL+K. That's too much work, I tell you! Too damn much!