I think it's kinda funny how right now it says 4161 People Online but if you look on the Active games list, it looks like about 300 are actually online. Sad sad sad.
Does anyone else kinda feel like that 4000 might be a lie?
![]() Nov 15 2011, 10:08 am
I think its a lie ;)
The number is based on people who have the pager open I believe, though I might be wrong on that.
The thing is, most of those 4,000 people are on unlisted or rejected games hidden away from the front page. |
BYOND is dead atm. So it's no wonder 4000 people are MIA. NEED MOAR BYOND DRAMA! Gonna round up a posse to spam Viz media with messages about BYOND.
EmpirezTeam wrote: Yeah. About 3900 of that 4000 are playing Dragon Narto Bleachy Turds Rebirth. Need moar rip hub deletion. Hidden is not good enough. |
Enzuigiri wrote:
BYOND is dead atm. So it's no wonder 4000 people are MIA. NEED MOAR BYOND DRAMA! Gonna round up a posse to spam Viz media with messages about BYOND. I recall someone mentioning contacting VIZ awhile ago. Dunno if we'll ever get a Funimation-style banning spree. Probably not. |
Techgamer wrote:
Enzuigiri wrote: Well >:O I need something to do in my spare time. !!! Liam howe challenged me to make a non rip naruto game. gonna do that. |
why not make a non-rip martial arts game, which would give you more space to be creative with gameplay/abilities, and have no threat of legal retribution?
Because I was not challenged to do that. I was challenged to make a naruto game. Besides unlike BYOND I know my rights as a developer =/
And I'm working on Spectrum(which I just realized I have not told anyone I'm working on) |
Enzuigiri wrote:
Because I was not challenged to do that. I was challenged to make a naruto game. Besides unlike BYOND I know my rights as a developer =/ Well I challenge you not to make an anime game. Also, you really don't have rights as an anime developer. Funimation/VIZ/etc could sue the hell out of every anime dev and probably win, but the money involved isn't worth their time. Hence why Byond got a C&D instead of getting sued. |
That's not really true.
http://www.copyright.gov/fls/fl108.html Also, under the Fair Use act I have the right to use names/etc without repercussions |
All that means is that a game studio couldn't sue you for having an action game about ninjas. Any company that bought the rights to make a legit Naruto game is legally obligated to defend their copyright/trademarks/etc. Besides, the more relevant parts of the Copyright law would be Television and printed media.
Techgamer wrote:
http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/ showfield?f=doc&state=4003:27ci8o.2.1 Naruto means Fish Paste in Japanese. Why can't he use that? You can't trademark a regular word just because it's in a different language. Now if they named their game Naruto and it was about ninjas... yeah... but having a ninja character in a game called Naruto that doesn't symbolize the actual one, would not be against the law. |
Mirror's edge got sued by some douchebag that owned a trademark on "edge gaming". I wouldn't even consider having a game named "Naruto", much less making one using the setting of the Naruto world.
EA has billions of dollars it can put towards legal expenses and quality lawyers, unlike presumably every single individual on BYOND. His point is still completely valid.
Vexonater wrote:
EA has billions of dollars it can put towards legal expenses and quality lawyers, unlike presumably every single individual on BYOND. His point is still completely valid. Okay, then let's apply it to another situation. Some chick whose name I forgot posted a video on youtube using music from one of square enix's games. Square Enix contacted youtube and had the video removed. The chick whose name I forgot demanded youtube put the video back up and sued square enix since the music was Fair Use. And she won. |