(See the best response by Lummox JR.)

first I want to say that I've checked the common solutions for this problem. But this one is a little bit stranger.

The first time I downloaded BYOND to play SS13 everything worked. But after a time like one week I got the error that is in the title. Then after a day it was gone and I could play the game again for a few days. This repeated several times and now I need some help because I hate being "frozen" in the actual game while I can still see other people move befor I loose connection.

My problem occures at every SS13 server and I can't play any other game because it gives me the same error message.

My operating system is "Windows 7 32bit" and I'm using firefox as a browser.

When the problem occured I let the programm allow to communicate through all firewalls but it didn't help. Then I tried to do some port forwarding which is hard because I'm using an Easy-Box that has a reputation for being unnecessary complex and annoying at this.

Now I'm frustrated and the only thing I want is to fix this problem.

Thank you for reading it.
I'm a little bit disappointed that noone answered bu I'll update this.
It seems that every day the TCP port I opened (UDP is working fine) just closes! Without any apparent reason.
Everytime I restart the router I can play the game for about 1 minute befor it looses the connection.

Though when I wait like 2 hours it works perfectly again.
Please help me guys.
Have you tried clearing byond cache?
I'm not sure how that should help but I can try it.
Going to post the result soon.
I cleared the catch.
Nothing worked.
How are you connected wired or wireless? You could try uninstalling byond and reinstalling it.
Wireless. And I already reinstalled it.
I don't think the problem is BYOND itself but somehow my TCP port closes itself.

I think I'm going to try to make two different public ports for the different protocols. To be honest I don't know alot about networks so I have no idea if it will help.
You should probally contact byond support.

You shouldn't have to add ports unless you are trying to host a server.
I don't know what else that you can do.
Thank you for your answers.
I contacted the support and I hope I can fix this problem so it doesn't interrupt me in awesome rounds.

(My slime pet was killed by an evil medical doctor and I wanted to inject him some mutagen to make him a slime and then kill him :( Unfortunaly I couldn't finish my plan)
Your welcome, just figured that if nobody responded by now you should just contact byond support your self to get help fast. They respond pretty fast too.
Best response
If the TCP port is simply closing on its own, the most likely culprit is a network issue at one end or the other.

With wireless networks, the first suspect is always the router. Wireless or wired, as routers age they tend to become very bad at maintaining connections and will start dropping them. When my last router bit the dust the main symptom was a series of semi-regular hiccups that would disrupt all my Internet communication for a minute or so. Wireless routers are trickier in that the connection can drop because your wireless signal is bad or is easily interrupted. I've known wireless routers to be temperamental and a lot depends on the placement of the router, signal strength throughout the house, etc. If others are using the network, it could also be the case that the connection is getting swamped (e.g., if someone downloads a video on Hulu or Netflix) and you need a faster wireless setup.

The second place to look would be your firewalls, including antivirus software. Your firewall could simply be malfunctioning. Also, there is a possibility that any antivirus software you're using could be closing the connection itself.

Finally, another possibility is your ISP. We've seen issues with college students in the past having trouble with BYOND because their network was running some kind of hyperactive firewall upstream that kept breaking BYOND's connections, perhaps after possibly misidentifying them as P2P applications or such. I don't think I've heard of this happening when playing a game, though, only when hosting.
Thank you for your help.
Well, the firewall and antivirus software aren't the problem because the problem only occurs every day at the evening but for example in the morning it works perfectly.
The ISP shouldn't be the problem either.

So the router is the only one left.
The connection of my notebook has to go through several walls but I don't have a bad connection, at least I think so. Though after I tried to find a system behind this I noticed that everyday when my port closes someone in my house starts uploading something. Is it possible that this could close my port? And if yes, is there a way to prevent that in the future?
In response to Jimy
Jimy wrote:
So the router is the only one left.
The connection of my notebook has to go through several walls but I don't have a bad connection, at least I think so. Though after I tried to find a system behind this I noticed that everyday when my port closes someone in my house starts uploading something. Is it possible that this could close my port? And if yes, is there a way to prevent that in the future?

That's a smoking gun. It's your router for sure.

It sounds like the wireless connection is simply getting overwhelmed, but I wouldn't rule out signal strength being too low. The fact that you have to go through several walls could be a potential issue, but that's resolvable by getting something to boost your signal. It may, however, be the case that you need to either invest in a router with better bandwidth, or find a way to throttle the bandwidth being used by any one connection.
I will see what I can do.
But if I start using a LAN cable would this fix the problem?
I would think it would, if wireless signal strength or swamping that signal is the issue.