I'd like make a macro that handles virtually all interactions in a game (Talking, moving to the next page of a dialogue etc.). This way I can really reduce the need for players to use the mouse, however I'm not entirely sure of the best way to go about it.
I figure if I give all NPC's the verb Interact(), then one macro will work for all of them. As for things like dialogues, should I creat an Interact() verb that checks which page you are currently reading? Or is there a better way to go about this?
I believe NEStalgia does this with use of the Space key to interact.
Mar 24 2013, 5:15 am
Best response
There's many ways about this. I would personally give everything an interact() proc, and only have one verb - this verb would check what is in front of you and call its interact() proc with you as an argument.