Keywords: pc
So I bought a new computer today. It's pretty good.

Brand: Dell XPS
Platform: Windows 7 Home Premium
Processor: i7 Intel 3.4 Quad Core
Hard Drive: 2TB 7200RPM
Gfx Card: AMD Radeon 6770 HD

Brand: ASUS
Size: 23.6"
Resolution: 1980x1080
Contrast: 1 in 10,000,000
Rate: 2ms

Total Cost: ~$1280 (With BF3)

So yeah, feeling pretty boss right now.
Cool Story bro. Not being sarcastic.
Awesome specs, bro.
Enzuigiri wrote:
Cool Story bro. Not being sarcastic.

LOL Still trolling?
Anyways,That PC is sick.
Congratz,have fun with it! =D
Whose trolling? I said I wasn't being sarcastic o__o. Or are you just talking out your ass because your game has ripped icons and I pointed it out?
No,i'm just having fun pissing you off,everywhere you go! =D
You could have built it yourself for about $500.
Kidpaddle45 wrote:
No,i'm just having fun pissing you off,everywhere you go! =D

You can't make me mad o-o No matter how hard you try.
BF3 is the most fun I've ever had in a video game. Good choice. (Though I'm extremely bad at it. I honestly can't see the enemies when they can see AND kill me in a matter of seconds. =()
@Flame Sage: It would not have been that drastic of a difference.
The processor alone is $250.
Tiberath wrote:
BF3 is the most fun I've ever had in a video game. Good choice. (Though I'm extremely bad at it. I honestly can't see the enemies when they can see AND kill me in a matter of seconds. =()

I know that feel.

Typically I just spam spotting and try to look for the orange triangle from my own spotting and my teammates' and aim below it and pray. That seems to work more often than not. I think I've got like a .33 K/D ratio, but I always finish better than the guys with great K/D ratios because of the support I provide. I can kill a guy halfway across the map with a sniper rifle and then immediately die because of the 1000 missed shots I pulled off and wait for respawn for 100 points or I could just revive the guys who die next to me as I provide suppressive fire with an assault rifle and throw down medkits for more points than I'll ever get from killing enemies.
@BrickSquadon: Much the same as myself in most games. I found I was scoring most flag captures in Black Ops because when everyone was engaging the enemy at the left, I wandered off to the right, took out any people facing the opposite direction waiting for people to break though, stealing the flag, and if not capturing it, getting it a good deal of the way back to our base.

Another favourite was stumbling upon a sniper duel (in the middle of a fire-fight) and deliberately shooting at the likely sniper area's to provoke a defence shot (often killing me) which exposed their position to our snipers, allowing our infantry to get through easier.

I love being that support guy. Though in BF3 Domination it's not so crash hot. Those tickets can matter in an extremely close game. =O
Sweet computer specs! I can't believe your going to give it to me! *Jedi mind trick*
I'm thinking about an XPS too. Tell me how beast it is!
I'm going to build my own computer eventually. Might buy bits each month (Apprentice's only get payed crap lol) until I have a whole new desktop... That or just save up and buy all the parts at once lol.
You better have that thing fanned up with that quad core.
CPU + Motherboard ($495)
Video Card ($165)
Memory x4 ($60)
Case + Power Supply ($120)
Monitor ($150)
HDD ($230)

Total: $1220
Time spent on Newegg: 15 minutes

For about the same price you could have gotten slightly better hardware, if you spent more time shopping you could have knocked the price down by at least $300.

The HDD's were oddly priced on Newegg. Two months ago I got this HDD for $60, right now it's listed at $160.
SuperAntx wrote:
The HDD's were oddly priced on Newegg. Two months ago I got this HDD for $60, right now it's listed at $160.

Indeed. HDs have jumped recently and I think it's because of Christmas. It's crazy cause you could get a TB for under 100$ and now you have barely any luck touching 500GB under 100$.

Scratch that. It's because of the recent flooding in Thailand.
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