Keywords: motivation
Motivation has become a popular word nowadays. There are motivational coaches and speakers, and motivational books and articles. What is it actually, and why do you need it?

Motivation is a driving force. In order to accomplish anything, you need a driving force, otherwise nothing will happen. A wish is not strong enough to make you take action. A wish is a weak desire. Only a strong desire can drive forward, to act and accomplish aims and goals.

In order to get motivated, you need to know exactly what it is that you want, to possess a strong desire, and to be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goal.

More than often there is lack of motivation or only a short-lived one. How many times have you started enthusiastically to develop a game, began learning pixel art or started to learn the DM language, only to stop after a short while? Few people possess enough willpower and self-discipline to go through to the end with what they begin.

It easier to show motivation in connection with a subject that is dear to you. If you desire something, but you don't feel motivated enough to act, this means that the desire is not important enough. To be motivated to take action and do something in respect to your desire, you need to possess a really strong desire.

Motivation has much to do with the emotions and the imagination, which means that if you want to increase it, you have to work on your feelings and imagination.

Tips to increase your motivation:

1. Think, meditate and find out whether you really want to achieve your desire, and whether it is worth the effort and time.

2. Make your goal very clear. Writing it down will help.

3. Think often about your goal or desire.

4. Visualize your goal as already accomplished, and close your mind to contrary thoughts.

5. Read books or articles about the subject of your goal.

6. Read about people who have achieved success.

7. Think often about the benefits you will gain by achieving your goal.

8. Visualize, and think about how you would feel after achieving your goal.

9. Repeat positive affirmations such as: "I have the desire and inner strength to achieve my goal". Repeat this affirmation often, with faith and strong feelings.

10. Start with doing something small concerning your goal. Success in small matters leads to greater success.

Motivation is the powerful engine that moves you toward success and accomplishments in every area.
Motivation is one of those overused words on BYOND that people like to twist around.

Like "original"
nobody needs any motivation and thats the truth
Getting motivation is easy, keeping it is hard.

BYOND users get game ideas and are motivated to make the game, then they realize one of two things:

1. The game idea isn't that good.
2. Making games is hard.

And their motivation is gone. It's not a matter of inner strength, desire, or visualization. There are just some things that give you motivation and other things that take it away. A way to "increase motivation" would really be a way to avoid those things that drain your motivation.
I graduated with a thesis on motivation. One of the most important factors is what is your motivation, is it intrinsic. Are you motivated to do something because YOU want it, or are you motivated because you want approval or praise (extrinsic).

If it is because you want aproval or praise making a game is not really the way to get it, seeing as how the reward or gratification is not instantly one does not keep his motivation and searches compensation somewhere else.

However, if you are motivated for a project in an intrinsic way you are more likely to finish it.
We are more motivated by negative experiences than positive. If you motivate yourself to do homework it is more than likely because of the consequences that would occur if you did not do it, than how you would feel if you did.

Basically when you announce and start making a game just think of all the trolls ripping into your game and you as a person. Imagine posting the new demo reel of your game or some new screenshots and one of BYOND's many wannabe trolls comes and rips your game to shreds.

Now imagine you worked harder to make your game perfectly pleasing for every troll on BYOND, with no faults. Sounds better than being ripped apart doesn't it?
Slayde: Interesting, because as much as America wants to safeguard it's young people, I feel that I've always learned more from when I fell from my mistakes and got back up than the crap I was taught in the classroom. Clearly we think alike. :)
Forum_account wrote:
Getting motivation is easy, keeping it is hard.

BYOND users get game ideas and are motivated to make the game, then they realize one of two things:

1. The game idea isn't that good.
2. Making games is hard.

And their motivation is gone. It's not a matter of inner strength, desire, or visualization. There are just some things that give you motivation and other things that take it away. A way to "increase motivation" would really be a way to avoid those things that drain your motivation.

Well that's stupid =/. That's like saying a good way to avoid traffic is to not get in the car. If you decide to start a game you're going to run into demotivating issues. It's inevitable. The question is how do you deal with them? If you don't know how to code X thing do you stop the game all together or ask for help.
CauTi0N wrote:
Slayde: Interesting, because as much as America wants to safeguard it's young people, I feel that I've always learned more from when I fell from my mistakes and got back up than the crap I was taught in the classroom.

Actually, America is getting worse because it's NOT safeguarding as much as we used to. We used to tell kids to be abstinent. Now we tell them to have sex as long as they're "responsible" and use a condom. And look at our teen pregnancy rates - higher than ever before.

Slayde wrote:
Imagine posting the new demo reel of your game or some new screenshots and one of BYOND's many wannabe trolls comes and rips your game to shreds.

If you quit your project just because of a negative comment from a troll, then you have a problem. I'm sure Blizzard got negative comments from people too - that didn't stop them from going on to create the most successful MMORPG to date.
Slayde wrote:
Now imagine you worked harder to make your game perfectly pleasing for every troll on BYOND, with no faults. Sounds better than being ripped apart doesn't it?

That sounds terrible! If you make a game that makes the trolls happy, the non-trolls will probably think the game is garbage. You can't make everyone happy so the better solution is to not let this stuff bother you.

Enzuigiri wrote:
If you decide to start a game you're going to run into demotivating issues.

That was exactly my point. It doesn't matter how long you spend meditating and visualizing your success. Even if those activities do build up your motivation, it's all a waste of time if you're going to run into something that drains your motivation.

The difference between traffic and game development is that traffic is almost completely outside of your control and game development is almost completely within your control. If you control how the game's development goes there are very few things that are inevitable.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Actually, America is getting worse because it's NOT safeguarding as much as we used to. We used to tell kids to be abstinent. Now we tell them to have sex as long as they're "responsible" and use a condom. And look at our teen pregnancy rates - higher than ever before.

Ah, I should have specified, because I agree with you there. I was referring to elementary school.