by EnvyAttraction
Roleplay or shut up!
For anyone wondering, the server usually starts acting like this either when the admins are updating/fixing the server or they start wiping. At least that's what I think; we gotta be patient for 'em to finish though.
In response to Hipster Bardock
... the game just totally Died. everyone just got a connection closed message. please fix.
The game just Roflcrashed again. please fix.
For some reason I'm unable to connect to the server.. Is there another update going on or?
My connection just closed. is that because my connection is bad or what?
*Loves how nobody ever answers his questions* (;-; ) Thanks for the help, guys.
Game crashed fix this please
Timestamp :/ still down.
Says "Increased gains til 2AM"
game crashes. -golf clap-
Kinda hard to take advantages of the gains if the server keeps coming down..
In response to Hipster Bardock
Hipster Bardock wrote:
Kinda hard to take advantages of the gains if the server keeps coming down..

Yes. it is quite hard to take advantage of gains. EXACTLY after he said. "increased gains"
*Just casually waiting for the server to come back up*

Random question. Does EnvyAttraction ever play this game?
I have a feeling the server is gonna come up sometime tomorrow while I'm in school and everyone will become crazy strong while I fall behind. The struggle.
Two servers....FINALLY THANK YOU, now I can actually try and play this awesome looking game!
Here u guys have a unoficial byond hub (Here u can find naruto,dragon ball,bleach games, and rips that are not listed on byond hub) :
- We got over 70 + games
- 200+ users evry day vist us site
- Its free, Private
- U can gain easy acces to games
- The hub is uptaded evry day

It would be nice if u send this link to u friends, put it on u game etc...

I'm currently trying to find some new projects to host in an effort to help out the community. If you are interested in some high quality % no lag hosting then don't hesitate with contacting me.

Add me on Skype "Xyren92" for a chat.

(I also have an auto update system that allows you to update without relying on me)

PS: I can host a website/forum either as a subdomain of my own."Yourgamehere" Or if you have a domain name you can point it towards my server.
I recently joined byond and found this game tried to connect to it snice I like rp games and when I did it said I am banned and that was my first time even trying to log into the game why is this?
Lag. Too. Strong.
Hi, i wana show u guys, a byond hub with rips/anime games:
The old site was visted by over 3000 Ppl, soo Doniu has made a new ,better version of it..On new site u see :
-Better graphic
-More infromations abount games
-New games
* site still on beta stage.
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