I see how some of that would be useful but it sounds very annoying to make. I'll let you handle it =)
I'd probably make something a little lower level and smaller in scope. It'd be a more convenient way to create and manage screen objects. The library wouldn't do a lot of useful things for you, it'd just make it easier for you to make useful things.
D4RK3 54B3R wrote:
There's actually already a pretty good article on how to implement fuzzy logic into AI on BYOND. Thanks for the links =D. I once read the fuzzy logic article, but it was about 5 years ago and it went over my head. If you finish the library would you allow me to use it in the future even if its not a public release? I don't see myself taking advantage of the BYOND Flash client until it has full .dmf interface compatability. A library replicating much of .dmf in a HUD system would allow me to continue a game I'm working on that is designed around casual players and would do best embedded into a site. Forum_account wrote: Thanks for the ideas! No problem =D. Actually organizing my ideas is the biggest problem I have when trying to start a new project or working on an old one. I end up trying to keep it all in my head which makes it difficult to keep up with what I need to work on next. |
An example of what I'm presently doing for my HUD lib:
- Parent and Child element interaction
- Movable and static windows and panes
- Scrollable bars with flexibility to apply to most elements
- Text display, which can be scrollable or not
Can be expanded to become a text input
- Grid display, like the .dmf grids. Can display a table of variable length and width with objects and/or strings.
Can be scrollable or not.
- Image display. For displaying individual objects and providing hooks for mouse interaction with the object.
The idea is to simply instantiate a bunch of HUD element objects and set parents to have an on screen interface that has similar functionality to .dmf.
There are countless examples of BYOND games that could use a non-.dmf interface.