Naruto: New Evolution

by Idoshen
Naruto: New Evolution
Naruto Evolution is back!
so how long till u got the server up ido
waitiing on lavitiz
In response to Idoshen
Idoshen wrote:
waitiing on lavitiz

I'm on temp leave. I just need SOMEONE to do stuff while I'm gone. Mainly the icons Squiggs is getting ready.

And when I mention "someone", I don't mean everyone.

Ido and Vik are the only ones allowed with the current source. Ima go AFK, I'm pissed at this drama. I swear, sometimes Niti and Ido sound like little 14 year old freshmen. D=. No offense Ido, but you make it hard for me to defend yourself sometimes. Niti's obviously winning this one due to the fact he handled his part appropriately.
Idoshen or lavitz, you guys should find a way to put this game on the byonds search thing so people can know this game exist without advertising
right now they need to just get game up lol
people that care the old NE is back up same thread as always k thats... chris baker
why the game is DOWN??!
I personally am done here I think. My goal was to teach Ido and Vik to code so that in due time they could create their own projects. However it seems they don't want my help. I've been waiting and nobody has stepped up to the plate, and all I've done is did Idoshens work.

Ido, I'm sorry but I have my own projects to work on and my personal life. I bid you all farewell and hope that you get somewhere.

A side note, as soon as you start learning to code, I hope you create your own original Naruto project. Seeing as it would be way more worth your time.

To the Devs: The source is crap, and you cant go far with a RIP. Study, study, and study. Once you got a handle on it, move on.

I wish the best to you all.

^ One reason besides the other reasons I listed above. This is so lame. Quoting this whole page over dumb shit. *smh*
In response to Lavitiz
Lavitiz wrote:
^ One reason besides the other reasons I listed above. This is so lame. Quoting this whole page over dumb shit. *smh*

ohh you know you love it lav :P
You sort it out.
I haven't told anybody to advertise. so if anybody does it you deal with it in your game and hub. I don't got time for lame shit. Only post on here if needed. i also have a msn for you guys to go to and leave me w/e.
[email protected]
=) have fun guys
Kboy33 wrote:
Sort this out.

World-(Tekken): naruto new evoltuin by idoshen
Don't Advertise on our server.

I recommend you ban all players on the spot if they come from this server to yours. They know they're not supposed to, so ban them. Enjoy it. ;D
What that hoe say lmao^^
When are the new clothing being updated? I'm tired of playing Crazah's NE, it's to laggy but there's hardly anyone here.
hey why is the game down?
is the game in an update or something
Ok finally back. Sorry people was having electrical power difficulty but as you can read im back lmao.
-Try to keep like you said "Dumb Shit" off of here. ppl lol
Dumb Shit. =D
=D hoe
In response to Lavitiz
Banana >:O
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