Naruto: New Evolution

by Idoshen
Naruto: New Evolution
Naruto Evolution is back!
In response to Viktorian
Viktorian wrote:
Niro1 wrote:
I'm not conpletly sure, but it could be the other bases that are make the movements lame. Just a guess x.x

what bases o.o lol

Well, there is the female base o.o Not sure about the dark skinned base though..
I doubt the bases have anything to do with it
its a code issue somewhere

Double post ftw?
ive deleted everything, it was too much. i think its alright if ido was to close this comment thing once and for all.
Nice cover-up. I'm out. Good luck guys.
Thanks Lavitiz nice hearing from you lol
True Artis is toast!
lol pppfffft yup
pppffffft nope.
the artist will show you ~sage~ people what true art is.... and u'll have trouble seeing through me and Squigs eyes
In response to FlawlessExample23
And my whatever I'm going to use. :p
*cough* ~Takko~ *cough*
Who needs art when you can explode them.
you have no idea what pros beside me and ido are in Sage >.> xD
well to be honest i dont know myself, ive forgot, but theyll come around :D

and takkkkooooooo dude where have you been all this time
i've been floating around, lurking here and there...i even made a few attempts to get back into the game but it was way too different to just hop in mid wipe
when is this going to wipe
hub just kinda died.......
In response to FlawlessExample23
FlawlessExample23 wrote:
hub just kinda died.......

This comment is Truely Truely Outragous!
aw taric lol
Hey what's up guys.

Just wanted to tell you that i made a new forum for the merge.

Hopefully we can start using it.
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