Naruto: New Evolution

by Idoshen
Naruto: New Evolution
Naruto Evolution is back!
is that why?
SMFH "Nodded my head so much"
so when will it be back up?
no thats not the reason why its down.. lavi pc probably crashed or something lol
oh.. alright when n do u think it will be back up
idk like i said when Lavi puts it up
I have a lot going on. Ido, I need you to take over hosting. I also need you and Vik to take over development. Keep the staff as is, and let Squiggs run things in game for you.

Squigs I need you to report to Ido for now.

I'll send the recent source and host files when I can. No wipe.
In response to Idoshen
Idoshen wrote:
Lollipop says:
It was actually about your NE anyways...
jacob | idoshen inc.. says:
Lollipop says:
and I didnt notice xD
uh well, i'm hearing you're advertising to my players?
jacob | idoshen inc.. says:
don't come to me with this bullshit
i dont got time
Lollipop says:
I aint.
World-(******): Ido taking your players
He is.
jacob | idoshen inc.. says:
ok and
Lollipop says:
And he is saying you're advertising.
Idk if it's true or not
but if it is, mind stopping?
jacob | idoshen inc.. says:
ok show me how im advertising
Lollipop says:
how should I know? I wasn't there.
jacob | idoshen inc.. says:
then get the fuck out of my face with the bullshit
like i said i dont have time
this conversation is going on my hubjust to let you kno
Lollipop says:
Yes sure.
I don't care
I don't want you advertising.
And I didn't say directly that you actually ARE advertising.
I'm saying IF you are, then stop it.
jacob | idoshen inc.. says:
ok stop me from advertising in your lil fantasy wolrd
Lollipop says:
fantasy world you say?
jacob | idoshen inc.. says:
nothing to say..... pathetic
niti i dont even kno you nomore
you have change alot
go do more research lets see how im advertising when im not even on the pc or on byond

Why are you only showing this part? Show the whole conversation.
This is all retarded...... And going no where. Peace! I'll be back later.
In response to Idoshen
Lollipop . says:
What is this I hear..?
jacob gonzalez says:
why do you only write to me when my NE is down....
Lollipop . says:
It was actually about your NE anyways...
jacob gonzalez says:
Lollipop . says:
and I didnt notice xD
uh well, i'm hearing you're advertising to my players?
jacob gonzalez says:
don't come to me with this bullshit
i dont got time
Lollipop . says:
I aint.
World-(******): Ido taking your players
He is.
jacob gonzalez says:
ok and
Lollipop . says:
And he is saying you're advertising.
Idk if it's true or not
but if it is, mind stopping?
jacob gonzalez siger
ok show me how im advertising
Lollipop . says:
how should I know? I wasn't there.
jacob gonzalez says:
then get the fuck out of my face with the bullshit
like i said i dont have time
this conversation is going on my hubjust to let you kno
Lollipop . says:
Yes sure.
I don't care
I don't want you advertising.
And I didn't say directly that you actually ARE advertising.
I'm saying IF you are, then stop it.
jacob gonzalez says:
ok stop me from advertising in your lil fantasy wolrd
Lollipop . says:
fantasy world you say?
jacob gonzalez says:
nothing to say..... pathetic
niti i dont even kno you nomore
you have change alot
go do more research lets see how im advertising when im not even on the pc or on byond
anything else to say???
Lollipop . says:
I didnt notice you were writing.
No, i've got nothing to say & I never directly said that you were advertising, I said if you are then stop.
And I haven't changed, still the same old Niti, with slight changes perhaps.
jacob gonzalez says:
you should kno the answer to that your self. You know me if i really wanted to advertise or to even take your players i could of done that so long ago
Lollipop . says:
jacob gonzalez says:
so think what you want also
Lollipop . says:
Well then, I'm sorry for blaming you.
jacob gonzalez says:
i dont want to hear any ore false rumors
Lollipop . says:
I just hear them from my players..
jacob gonzalez says:
if anybody says anything in your game i dont wana hear about it
Lollipop . says:
And if it concerns you?
jacob gonzalez says:
i dont care there playing your version so i dont care
Lollipop . says:
why're you mad at me?
- Good day.
Hmm.... interesting conversation lmfao xD lol sons chat somewhere else ! er.... its kinda spammy n shit O.o '' well umm.... u send files to Ido , Lavi, and he'll host it.. but idk if i could do anything cause im kinda busy myself lol with LoL XD well umm... sya later lmfao
Oh noooo it could have been me Squigs ! damn xD missed for like 1 minute to start a page hahahahha oke peace
You're raping my pager D:
D: D: D: D: D: D:
I feel violated! :(
Squiglies wrote:

Squiglies wrote:
o_O You quoted me and did definetely not edit it! That is quite badass :)

- Once again, IKR! :D

well as long as i get to play later im good lol
Squiglies wrote:
Woo Hoo. Vik is gonna throw in the new icons :D

I kinda want to see them :O (allways excited about others work). :D
....??? what lol
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