Event Oct 30 2011, 7:00 am
to Oct 30 2011, 4:00 pm
Photobucket Omnipotence: Path of the divine: Photobucket

Omnipotence is a multiplayer real time strategy game that was developed by Wildblood in 2005. Omnipotence, quoted as being similar to Black and White, is a survival based game where you, a god immune to harm, follow the struggles of forming a civilization.
From feeding your people, to fighting other god's civilizations your people have to survive, for if no one believes in you, then there is no you. Using your followers, magics, creatures, and the like, you must rise above the other gods, for you, and your followers, existence.

Tournament speculations :

PhotobucketGame: Omnipotence: Path of the divine by Wildblood

PhotobucketPrize: A BYOND Membership for a year to whoever wins the competition!

PhotobucketTime and Date: 9:00 PM Eastern time zone (EST), Sunday, October 30th, 2011.

PhotobucketRSVP: Not required for this event, you may come and play without notice, you may also play before and after the event without additional notice.

PhotobucketWinner Determination: The winner will be determined by whomever is the last standing player in the tournament round that will begin at the time and date specified above. The winner will be publicly announced in an aftermath results post, along with noteworthy mentions for the players with most food, most lumber, most kills, most buildings razed ,and a list of all the players who partook in the event.

PhotobucketTournament Round Statistics: Map name: Check-mate, Environmental conditionals: None, Starting Followers: 10, Starting Wood: 200, Starting Food: 300, Time limit: 179 minutes

PhotobucketGame Length Duritation: A round can last anywhere from when it begins, to 2 hours, and 59 minutes, before entering sudden death mode. A typical game will last between one and two hours.

PhotobucketDisconnection: Disconnection will result in automatic forfeit. No exceptions can be permitted (due to game limitations)

PhotobucketServer: The server hosted by Higoten.

Game Speculations:

PhotobucketFlaw: Omnipotence was created in BYOND version 3.5, and likewise, lacks a skin interface.

PhotobucketFlaw: The game is also only able to be played when hosted in Dream seeker, not Dream Daemon. Otherwise you will not receive host commands, and will be unable to begin the game.

PhotobucketGlitch: It is also important that whoever is hosting is using BYOND 489.1099, or path finding may become glitched and result in followers becoming stuck.

PhotobucketTip: Omnipotence can be played "Single Player" and becomes more or less a building game. Playing on your own is a great way to learn what buildings do, and how to play the game in general.

PhotobucketTip: Clicking the manual button in the center of the title screen will provide you with a reference about the game that you can use throughout the game.

Photobucket Tip: I highly advise getting some practice in playing this game before the tournament! Practice is the key to success.

Additional information

-Special thanks goes to BYONDcast for hosting this announcement.

-The commitments and views above and the comments below are commitments and opinions of their independent authors and do not necessarily represent the views of BYONDcast.

-The author may be contacted at Jam[REMOVE][email protected] or on AIM, Trisenti, for additional information or questions related to this event or other topics of interest.
Holy fucking shit I love this game. SO MUCH NOSTALGIA
Could you set the tourney for an earlier date? Because of time zones, some of us may be going to sleep/getting read for work/school because it's a Sunday. Can you move it to saturday, maybe?

I love this game too :3
Thanks for bringing that up Darwin. I had not thought of that and I am willing to change the date to Saturday, the 29th if this would allow it to better fit into enough players schedules.

If this date change would be beneficial or helpful to anyone else, please leave a comment!
If it's a saturday I'll even host the event from one of my servers, I have no problem downgrading while I host it lol.
I might be able to make the tourney. I also have never played Omnipotence until now, o.o sweet game for it's time. (Though the glitches are noticeable :( )
For clarity: The tournament date is the same as was originally posted, Sunday the 30th. Sorry to anyone who is unable to attend due to the date. I'll keep Saturdays in mind for future events.

Everyone who is able to attend, are still welcome to attend regardless of skill level, the more players, the funner and more exciting this event will be :).
The server hosting the tournament is now live:

Tournament server link : byond://

The game will begin promptly at 9:00 PM EST. Until then, players are welcome to come and chat.

I love the Tournament speculations with the icons and stuff. Other contest should do this, a lot more pleasing to read.
Guys still alive?