So first off, I've been wondering, most of the games you create, do you have a set developer team or is it just whoever you can get.
I used to have a set developing team of me, Nategrant, and Zethmal. But that was many years ago and now recently I've been hiring people more often than having a longterm team. But other than that, I've been working with Akto for a while.
Akto being the guy who always beats me at Swarm right @_@?
Haha, he is quite good at Swarm. I'm suprisingly bad at many of the games I create.
And how many years have you been on BYOND?
My earliest key was forged in late '05. So about ~6 years.
Cool Cool.
Something else I've been wondering, do you have anyone on BYOND you idolize and someone you just absolutely hate?
I love OneFishDown and TheMonkeyDidIt. They were people that took the same tools we used to work with and made something amazing with them. I really love their work and I hope many others rise above the rest as they did with the current state of BYOND. Forum_Account is filling this role quite well, and I do enjoy his work as well.
As for hating people, I tend to be pretty chill with people.
Good. Hate is not a word or emotion I encourage. I prefer "strongly dislike" :)
Haha. I prefer that as well.
Now when you say "state of BYOND" what exactly do you mean?
Well, the language is getting gigantic changes added on to it. Big atom support and native pixel movement. The Flash client is coming eventually, and who knows where that'll bring BYOND. But these are only tools that BYONDers are given to make their own creations. Some people ignore them and continue working on games as people did on BYOND years ago, living in the shadows. But I'd prefer people to use the new tools to make BYOND games more and more professional looking.
I see I see.
So, lets switch gears here for a second. Feels like the mood just got kind of dark lol. Out of all your games, which one is the one you have had the most fun creating and out of all your failed games, which one do you wish you could've finished the most?
Of all the games I've been making I'd like to say that Toy Tanks was the most fun to program. It wasn't exactly "new" territory, vector-based pixel movement, as OneFishDown had made a racing game based on that a long time ago. But it hadn't been done well for a very long time and I guess all the math and trial-and-error behind it was just enjoyable for me.
I used to have a game a really long time ago, probably 5 and a half years ago when I had just met Nategrant irl that we decided to make called Fable Saga. I remember staying up all night working on the game and whenever something we created started to work we would do small victory dances around Grant's house. Those were good times.
What was Fable Saga about? Sounds like an interesting game.
It was an RPG that was very heavily skill-based. It didn't get too far, but the game was still a lot of fun to make.
Would PVP be involved?
There was PVP, but I think we didn't understand how to make a good combat system at the time, because if I remember correctly it was mostly verbs in a Commands tab. ;)
As long as it had PVP I probably would've played lol.
Well getting a little off topic(as if there was one to begin with) I want to go back to the BYOND flash cilent thing. I've had many people tell me that they think the flash client is BYOND's last hope. What is your opinion on that?
I think it's BYOND's major way of breaking free of the restrictions we've had to follow to distribute our games to outside sources. If the flash client doesn't turn out, a lot of opportunities would be lost, but BYOND would still continue as it is now. I don't see any "end" to BYOND in the future.
What other opportunities do you see for BYOND if the flash cilent doesn't work out?
You can still package your game into an exe file and put the BYOND program files into a folder. Anyone can play that on any Windows computer. The Flash client would just make things even more portable than they already are.
Well, my Pop-Tarts just finished so lets finish this interview up.
I do need some lemonade myself.
So, the one last thing, tell us about the newest game you are working on and somethings we can look forward to.
Well, Corsair is a Real Time Strategy game based on "lanes" in which units can move horizontally through their lane but cannot change lanes. You gain income over time based on how many farms you have. You can buy units from different builds and different units do additional damage to different unit types. Everything is made to be extremely sacraficial, so as to make having a high reaction time to what you opponent does by countering with the apropriate unit type can be done by destroying one building and placing a different one in that lane. I'd like to finish it in the next few weeks and perhaps get a tournament of the game going after it has been balanced properly.
That's pretty much as much as I can say as of yet. (:
Alrighty then, Thank you for your time.
It was a pleasure, thanks for having me. (:
![]() Oct 25 2011, 5:15 am
It was too boring for my taste.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
This is the most magnificent interview I have ever witnessed. |
Tensa Soul wrote: However Masterdarwin88: EmpirezTeam wrote: Honestly, the interview was a bit relaxed, longish (for it's relaxedness *grammer nazis, attack!*), and not every question was one that I was thinking, "Oh yeah, what about or how is etc etc." I still won't say it was a bad interview, but it wasn't great either. :( Not honestly, you should have asked hard hitting questions like, "How's your relationship with Bridget going? I heard it was on the rocks and you were one mistake away from being wreaked forever. How's that working out for you?" But Idk, maybe that's just me... >:) |
Truseeker wrote:
Yusuke13: This was more of a cop out interview no lie. Avainer said I had to pick someone for an interview, I had some questions for Oasis. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone. |