Hey there kids, thought I'd drop in with some news about this, stories about that and possibly even a bit of fan-service.
First and foremost, since I know the Flash client is around the corner, I started writing up a few little ideas here and there. One thing I came up with required me to move a fair bit of data from a database to a server. Since I'm not doing that whole remote access on my database, I figured the quickest and easiest way to move great deals of data was the same way I get data from the BYOND hub. A text format.
So I spent a little while writing that. With a test database I have stored for little projects like these, I whipped up something which should parse all the data I tell it to into a savefile like readable text file. Like this if you will. Whether or not I'll end up using it is debatable, and whether or not there's any demand to release the script is another question (I'm so far out of the programming game it's not funny, but I'll give it to old college try).
If you want to test it, you can get a clean version here. It should work, I think it does anyway. It did before I last tinkered with it.
I recently finished watching both Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny.
Seed took a few episodes to warm up and there was a few moments when stuff was getting a bit tedious. But when the story started to warm up a little and the characters settled in to their respective roles I started to like it. Predictable as hell though. I had every plot figured out rather quickly. Still fun to watch unfold though.
Destiny however seemed to stop and start all the time. I guess it's because they're trying to do a sequel with a new protagonist and an old protagonist, with the former in the position the latter was in previously. Honestly, I thought they were trying to tell too many stories at once. And it was entirely predictable, not partially, not mostly, entirely.
Not to mention the Impulse is the single worst designed mobile suit I've ever seen. Hey Earth Alliances Forces! I have an idea! Shoot the damn thing down during it's unnecessary long transformation sequence! Seriously, it was like watching Voltron all over again...
My friend and I started Co-Oping through Dead Island a few days ago. Gonna have to say it, not all that crash hot. For starters, I immediately feel like I'm playing Borderlands. Don't get me wrong, I liked Borderlands, but it did get tediously repetitive pretty quickly...
Another major disappointment is how quickly we're progressing through the game. We've put two LAN sessions into this. Two! And they weren't very long. We're already some 70% in the game. I mean, come on. A lot of our last session was just wandering around killing things mercilessly.
The last thing that bugs me is the "required level [x]" thing on weapons. I've always hated that. I mean, I personally, if I was a video game character, have only shot an air-rifle a few times in my life, so it's safe to say I'm not level ten in shooting. But I still know how to aim a gun and squeeze a trigger. I might not be able to get all of the weapons potential, but I can still at least use it's most basic function (HINT! HINT!).
To works I've actually done using the BYOND software... I got nothing. I've come up with plenty of ideas, though I haven't really started any of them. I've got one small project (which I wrote the aforementioned savefile thing for) slowly starting to develop. But that's not really worth mentioning until it's finished. So we'll let that one drop.
Home life is about the same. The chances for a better internet connection have increased. The thought of having a speed capable of supporting online gaming again brings me nothing but endless joy. I don't have any of the details about it, all I know is it's ADSL 2. That's good enough for me.
And with that I'm going to bed, I have to be up at 5.
Oct 24 2011, 4:26 am
I agree that Dead Island is a lot like Borderlands. It even has the same inventory issue, in my opinion. They executed a few things better, though, and I like the more open world. In borderlands, there was rarely a reason to return to an area you had already cleared out, but I'm finding it kind of fun to romp through the city.
Avainer1 wrote:
Tl;dr Then you and everyone in your generation and the generations that spawn from it will be doomed to seemingly meaningless existences. Simply 'cause you can't take three minutes out of your day to read more than a single paragraph. The only consolation I get about this fact is my generation is really starting to breed now, and hopefully, just hopefully, we can correct the mistakes of the one brought before us. However, there are a few of us that have fallen. Sadly. =( <- Sad face. tl;dr: Take medication, it's two friggin' paragraphs!. -- I agree with you mostly DC. Our last LAN session we decided to just abandon the story and mess around until we got bored. We managed to get to 78% by the conclusion. While the percentage jump is much better, I've found that the game is still incredibly repetitive (much to my dismay, like Borderlands). It's just missing a few small aspects. Like a rifle. I've got an ammo slot for it, so I'd assume I'd be able to find one somewhere... I think it's biggest problem is the lack of guns (they're all the same...) and ammo (I ONLY find it when I kill people with guns... which is useless against zombies!). I'm a "shoot the shit" out of them kind of guy. And I can appreciate the need to conserve your ammunition and play strategically, but there has to be a limit too it. Maybe I'm just not after what every other zombie fan is after. I just want Co-Op guns, running like mad, exploring a city full of zombies trying to eat me. You know, stealthy moving to avoid being seen when you're over all the fighting. And complete mayhem if you set off an explosive as they all move to your direction. That kinda thing. |
Tiberath wrote:
Avainer1 wrote: Ahahaha. |