Well, I saw a random trailer of the video and it looks AWSOME. I mean Cloud with his giant sword and Sephiroth in his flames. Oh and guns!!! That's right
guns. I kinda want this in my game...

-Good City Graphics
-Load's of Cloud attacks/blocks etc.(Iconed)
-Well thought out Monsters
-Loads of Side Quests
-Learnable Combos(Fire blast out of a gun etc.)
-The game to follow a story line, but also playable any way you want
-I want awsome graphics

If you want to help me on this project, please reply here. I am mainly looking for good icon artist and Graphic artist who can get some work done and won't be lazy. But I am also looking for a coder that can do random thing's that I can't even think of how to code. Thank's guys.

A game based on a movie based on a game that's not actually all that spectacular.

What could go wrong?
Meh, doesn't sound too promising but I love the movie so much I'll probably enjoy the game anyway :P