![]() Oct 14 2011, 6:15 pm
Post your comments here!
![]() Oct 15 2011, 5:26 pm
Cool page bro. :)
Not much of a Welcome when I've been here for over 5 years, but thank you for the compliment.
Perhaps he means welcome to membership? (You were on the Recent Members page, that's how I learned of you.)
Redoing the Eenyx Games Logo. I hope the new one really catches peoples eyes, and shows that we don't play around.
Oh dear. Hand drawing that Smoke effect for the background really took everything I had. 'Twasn't easy getting it just right.
You have won a "Tru Fav CSS" award. The background doesn't quite look like smoke, but it complements the Logo very well.
ps. Logo Rocks, love the font. |
Haha, thank you. I did use the smoke effect for the background, but with layering and whatnot, it obviously lost a lot of effect. The font is called Neverwinter, from the D&D Expansion. I found that out AFTER creating the logo however, but it is a great font.
Apologies Moonlight, however posting content of that sort again will warrant a Ban from the Eenyx Games page and all future projects. If you cannot control your sarcasm, you're free to leave it be
Solomn Architect wrote:
Apologies Moonlight, however posting content of that sort again will warrant a Ban from the Eenyx Games page and all future projects. If you cannot control your sarcasm, you're free to leave it be Yeah, because assuming you are the only [s]programmer[/s] overseer a game can ever get isn't being "sarcastic or egotistical" in the slightest. Ignoring the fact that you make it sound like a good deal that you fix your own errors for free. |
I'm not sure whether you realize that many freelance programmers simply write the code to the bare minimum of working order and leave it at that. After that, if anything returns an error, it's the managers responsibility to fix it. Also, I'm not trying to be an Overseer. I have my own project to program and whatnot, so I don't exactly want to be bogged down by another persons work.
Please, get off your period and grow up a little. Your constant ignorant arguments are neither warranted nor acceptable. I'm a very difficult person to bother, however you seem to have a real talent at being annoying. |
Freelance? Nope. You said for programming you're requiring pay.
Why is it you're the only person to defend your farce called an ad? |
Moonlight Memento wrote:
Freelance? Nope. You said for programming you're requiring pay. Fixed. |
Farce is called an ad?
Where did you learn English? Narto Blazing Bottoms of Sealing Beasts Inside The Underground Labyrinth Of My Pants With French Fries? |
I'm sorry, I guess I misunderstood your message due to the lack of punctuation to form a coherent statement.
Solomn, I read your post on the "Online Piracy Act". You stated a few comments about heading to socialism, etc.. If you are into government conspiracies ect.. Please do read "Behold a Pale Horse" by William Cooper. It gives you a whole lot of insight of where our country is heading. Thanks for reading my comment. Also if you could direct me in a path to make a nifty CSS layout I'd appreciate as the current one doesn't fit my ideal background and is just for temporary looks. I'm trying to get one that fits my theme and portrays the type of games I will be dishing out to BYOND. I am not a anime game designer so please clear that off your mind. I'll give you one word that give you clear detail as what kind of games I want to program.
ESPIONAGE :) Thanks once again, ECA |