Hey everyone, I'm here to talk about the new upcoming Naruto game I've had under works for a little over a year now.

It's called Naruto Shinobi Universe. I know what you're probably thinking, "oh god.. not another naruto rip", "god damnit, another naruto *****boy.", etc. But don't worry, this ones 99% original(the other 1% being placeholder art) and I'm working to bring all you Naruto fans what others don't usually give. Great art, presentation, accuracy, gameplay, and replayability.

At the moment I don't go to school(long story) and I'm stuck in a real ****ty part of the world so I've been working on the game for about 12 hours a day. I've been doing everything 100% by myself from the programming, down to the artwork.

One exception being the Graphics Guild that made me a pretty neat banner and are going to be making me title screens for NSU. Check em out when you get the chance, you'll be able to come out with a sweet new piece of GFX for the price of absolutely nothing. Pretty awesome guys if you ask me;)

So yeah enough talk, now showtime. Here's a few pictures of NSU. Alpha testing should be coming soon so look out:)

Login menu - Here's the login, I used to have a basic "Slot 1", "Slot 2", "Slot 3" thing going with "New", "Load" and "Delete" buttons on the title screen. Finally decided it bore me. So here's the new revamped login I came up with.

Impure world resurrection - this works about the same way as it does in the manga besides a few modifications for balance. Instead of just finding any DNA samples for the technique and having to sacrifice a host, I've decided you must kill someone, and they'll drop a DNA sample(only if you've learned Impure World), with that, you can then summon a copy of them that has the exact attributes as the player it derives from. You can summon up to 5 (if you manage to kill 5 players before getting killed yourself). There's even a medal for that, which I'll cover later on.

Uchiha's - Here's where I came to a stump. I carefully thought of a way of implementing Mangekyou Sharingan in a way that even when it's obtained(very rare odds) it won't be overpowered. So instead of the generic lock on Amaterasu, there are two types which both are avoidable, but very deadly if they aren't avoided. For Sasuke's, you drag the mouse around wherever you want to create an Amaterasu. The bad, every time you create a new one, a heavy toll is taken out of your chakra(this can be decreased depending on your Sharingan Mastery), and a smaller toll on your wounds(until you acquire eternal of course). For Itachi's, when you activate Amaterasu, you will be guiding this:
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anyone caught in it will be burned by the dark flames of Amaterasu. This ones harder to land than Sasukes but has only one chakra drain and increase in wounds. Although it leaves you open for Attack.

In short - Sasuke's has a larger risk to the user yet better accuracy and allows for tactics. Itachi's has less of a risk yet leaves you open for attack and has less accuracy. I would talk about the normal Sharingan but I haven't gotten a chance to work on it since I first started this project a year ago. I'll be sure to give it some fair advantages.

And I've gotta run! Tell me what you guys think, and also drop by some suggestions, I'd love to hear some ideas. I'm pretty confident as a programmer so as long as it isn't something like "add 3d narto frog" and it interests me then I'll see what I could do:)

I'll probably be doing this every week or so get some feedback on newest additions and I'll probably get into detail with the games mechanics and features. What you've seen here is just a little preview, nothing too special. The rest is yet to come!

Also - I'm looking for a pixel artist as myself alone isn't enough and I'm a longshot away from amazing. If you're interested please page me on BYOND, add me on MSN([email protected]), or send me an inbox on Facebook here. Been a one man team for FAR too long:/

Don't have much of a life until I head back to Florida so hell yeah, why not?
Nice game looks promising and I like that you haven't overpowered the Uchiha clan.

Also, does anyone know where Narto Frog came from? It is overused on this site and I'm pretty sure that, unless I'm the only one not in the know, 90% of the people who say it don't actually know where it came from either.
Thanks:) and ahaha I don't even know but I've seen it so much it just stuck. Also I've heard you were good with CSS, do you think you could give me a hand?
You've got me mistaken with someone else, I can't even make myself a CSS. Sorry.
oh shit, my bad haha
I think empireteam or something. As for suggestions I'd like to see something like the fourth's technique in the game.
I'm guessing you're talking about the thunder god technique, if I'm right, I added it before but it didn't really serve a purpose as body flicker did the same thing. I'm trying to think of a way to implement it in a way that'll make it much better than body flicker. Seeing as body flickers a 'D' rank skill and thunder god's an 'S' rank.

I've thought about one method. Having it so that when you attack someone, it automatically sets a seal on them that allows you to instantly teleport to them no matter how far they are from you. Hitting someone with a custom thunder god Kunai will also set a seal on them. In this way it'll make it much better than body flicker. What do you think?
AbdelJN wrote:
I'm guessing you're talking about the thunder god technique, if I'm right, I added it before but it didn't really serve a purpose as body flicker did the same thing. I'm trying to think of a way to implement it in a way that'll make it much better than body flicker. Seeing as body flickers a 'D' rank skill and thunder god's an 'S' rank.

I've thought about one method. Having it so that when you attack someone, it automatically sets a seal on them that allows you to instantly teleport to them no matter how far they are from you. Hitting someone with a custom thunder god Kunai will also set a seal on them. In this way it'll make it much better than body flicker. What do you think?

Sounds pretty good. -copies idea-
I added you. I wanna speak to you.
I think the background of the login screen needs to be changed. Its not representative of what is actually inside the game. When I see that I expect the graphics to be 3d and impressive. Make a login screen that looks like it belongs with the rest of your interface and it'll help distance you a little from all the other Naruto games in this community that have driven me away from ever reading or watching the series. Good luck, and I really hope that your game brings something new and refreshing to the anime community.
Yeah I see what you mean. I originally had planned to have an ingame background, maybe even a nice moving view of the map but that's after I work on the map a lot more. I'm not proud of the map at all, I'm lacking an environmentalist to help with environment tiles. When I spice up the map though, expect a new official looking login screen. For now though, this is temporary.
That's a much better idea than what you've got currently =).
I kinda like the current login screen. Leaves much for the player to discover.
I admire your hot-slot system.
I don't know, to me it's unappealing. I'd rather have a realtime moving camera view of the game, or a game background.

& thanks Avainer:)
I've seen your base before. Is it John Linaro's?
who's John Linaro? and definitely not, it's 100% from scratch.
Avainer1 wrote:
I've seen your base before. Is it John Linaro's?

lol no.
i can help with iconning