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BYONDcast Episode #4 is finally here! BYONDlings rejoice!
Featured in this episode were Oasiscircle and Bravo1. Akto was sadly unable to attend.
The list of featured articles:
BYOND Version 493.1117 (Forum Entry)
Forum_Account's Visibility Groups (Blog Entry, Download)
Forum_Account's Dynamic Lighting (Blog Entry, Download)
Nadrew's NCom Messenger (Blog Entry)
Journalism's BYOND Awards (Blog Entry)
F0lak's Hazordhu2 (Blog Entry, Download)
We all apologize for not having much content the past couple of weeks, we've just been all so busy and unable to do anything extra. We will try to make the BYONDcast a more routine weekly thing.
That's pretty much it, leave a comment down below on what you thought of the cast. Maybe give some criticism on what we could do better, because we all know we're very very far from perfect and we would love to improve. If you want to see more, just start following the BYONDcast blog and you'll receive updates faster than usual.
-nay all day, as true BYONDlings say.
Thanks a lot for watching, hope you guys enjoyed and we'll see you all next time with more BYONDcast!