Its plain, but looks good, seeing as your going for a plainish look im guessing, its great.
XxLucifersJesterxX wrote:
Its plain, but looks good, seeing as your going for a plainish look im guessing, its great.

Thanks, & I guess lol . If I do icon , it's only simple things lol .
Nice job making DBO's base look terrible.
I assume the number 1 over the face is supposed to be the character level, I suggest separating that from the face, you could place it in a little bulge on the top of the HUD or at the bottom of the HUD. I also think you should put HP and EN instead of a single letter, it's more used and recognized. You could also darken the HP bar to make it a darker green, less radioactive green.
Looks ugly, But the precentage on the hud makes it a little better.
Kind of a disappointment, I expected a bit more.
Base looks pretty awful and the health bars are generic.
Not so good :(
If you add some tree and a master what ever name you want then it be better
Flys, here is something i feel you could use.

The icon's much bigger, idk what you'd want to use the empty black chunk for.
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