Since the Art Society isn't easily accessible anymore for whatever reason (without having to have it bookmarked), and even when it was, the contests have been dead for a couple years (?) I haven't seen anyone try to revive these types of contests.
I feel like it'd motivate artists to be better, give them a sense of accomplishment, etc. I haven't seen anyone spectacular on here, someone I was truly impressed by. I feel like artists should get a little more limelight, something to give them motivation to improve their abilities. Artists are a pretty core piece to a game's development, just as important as any programmer. I'd just like to see more artist-oriented competitions.
![]() Oct 8 2011, 10:32 am
![]() Oct 8 2011, 10:59 am
i was going to rant about how the art society hasnt had any competitions in years. you beat me to it.
I just feel like with all the newbies, oldbies, and inbetweenbies it'd be really fun. I feel like there should be a Mentor Contest as well, where a more distinguished artists helps a newbie get better, and they help their newbie with their submission.
@Ketchup: I wouldn't mind, we'd need more donations. I haven't got a stable income right now. Been doing freelance. I could organize it, and whatever money I have left over from buying RAGE I'll pool into the prize pot. Also, + this post. |
We do need more art contests! I think these would really help me get better and learn somethings. Also would add a lot more fun when making pixel art.
I also think byond should make it easier to access the pixel art society. |
Yut Put wrote:
Why not join a REAL art society. How about that? You suck at trolling, gtfo. |
Yut Put wrote:
Why not join a REAL art society. How about that? I'd rather have artists that reside here to flourish, instead of going elsewhere. I'd like to make BYOND accommodate artists, than direct them elsewhere. That's why. |
Neblim wrote:
A DM programmer will stay here because Tom and Dan made the language and this is the only real community site for it. There's no reason why we shouldn't give people more reasons to come back, and accommodate artists that don't feel comfortable on other forums, and just want BYOND to be a potentially better place overall. I know I wouldn't mind seeing more artists around here, sure a lot of programmers wouldn't mind either. It's beneficial overall, I don't see why there is any argument regarding it not. |
Neblim wrote:
UPD4T3 wrote: I'm not telling you that I'm going to magically, overnight have a flock of new members. I'd rather give it an honest shot than just not try at all. I'm also not saying that it's an absolute to drawing members. My priority is to update and refine the Art Society to better accommodate the artists we have here, and possibly bring newer people here. I know I'd rather see more posts in the Art Society, than a million blog posts with bases for critique. |