So, a few minutes ago I got a couple people onto Spirit Age's server and some of the people who were on helped me to test something I've been working on for a while.
Object Graveyards
The purpose of this system is to instead of running "obj/New()" for every object that needs to exist in the world, New() is only called on necessity, and instead of deleting, adds them to a waiting list to be recycled and used for other purposes. It will then actually finally delete the object if a certain period passes and it isn't called to action.
What I hope this accomplishes is to improve performance as I expect this to be a really active "objects on frequent demand" game, so instead of Del() + New(), it in effect resets an object to it's default variables, location changed, and given a new purpose.
The above image displays object graveyard in effect. Every number in the onscreen damage display is a separate object, however in total only 153 damage number objects were ever created and were all being recycled as you can see at the moment I took that screen shot, 22 damage number objects were on standby to be used.
To those who may not think perfecting this is an achievement however, it is to me! :D because it's not the first time I've tried to get this to work perfectly, I attempted it on DBOII and BR, neither was bug free, but this has run with ALOT more objects being created and reused and not one mishap yet :] So i'm rather pleased with myself.
Edit #1: The CPU is especially high as about 40 people were attempting to login simultaneously downloading resources and sharing their new name tag icon images with everyone else. Lag was an issue.