
Poll: How much did you like the base?

I enjoyed it immensely. 100% (60)

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Today, I'm starting a new MMORPG. It'll be a massive world with monsters and items and quests and battles. I was going to make a blog post discussing the gameplay mechanics to get feedback on how to make it a fun, challenging experience for players, but what the heck, who cares about the actual gameplay, right? People don't play games for fun - they play them for the bases. So, that's where you come in, BYOND community.

Since I don't know the first thing about pixel art, I spent about half a minute glancing at a few guides and I was able to produce this:

It's good for a first try, right? As you can see, I have met all the requirements for a BYOND game base: a bald head and a diaper. I know I got some of the shading wrong around the abdomen but other than that I think I did an awesome job. It's a 64x64 sprite so it's going to be a lot larger than your average base. What I'm looking for is some feedback from you guys. If I made any mistakes ( which I know I didn't ), please point them out to me and I'll disregard your criticism as soon as I possibly can.

Stay tuned for my future polls in which I ask:
  • What Should I Name The Game?
  • How Many Anime Characters Should I Paste Onto My Title Screen?
  • What Are The Codes For Destructo Disk?
Name it The legacy of a narto frog.

Have in 200 narto frogs on the screen.

it is, mob/player/client/varb/Destrucaw Desko(Noob/N)
dmg = 21398129838192380128093
It's a bit awesome, needs more experience. Perhaps you can add an icon on his legs, then recolor his fingernails. Other than that, it's pretty shameful. Hide.

Seriously though, it seems like a style strangely, make another blue one. xD
imma rip this nao ;D
I enjoyed it immensely, but it needs bigger nipples.
That looks like my ass crack.

With alot of shit coming out.

I'm going to have to see a login screen before I pass judgement on this game.
EPIC.. nuff said. Narto frawg ftw
cool frop but yet another naruto game x.x well ill review it
Pink diaper or Gtfo
Kaien007 wrote:
cool frop but yet another naruto game x.x well ill review it

He is not trolling. If he is, he is pro @ it.
While this humour is wonderful, it's been done before, much to the same overall effect. Something something left hand is not paying attention to what the right hand is doing.
I've done all I can do.

The fight from here on is your own, BYOND.
There's a certain school of thought that says you ignore BYOND entirely but develop elsewhere, and given that some people have tried to develop a BYOND community away from BYOND, to distance itself from the bits they didn't like.

Then we remembered no-one develops games.
Seems kind of silly to try to build a community. There are communities already out there for you - all you need is a game to show them.

Besides, wasn't that what the BYOND Guru thing Silk mentioned was supposed to be? If that didn't work out too well, I doubt anything similar will.
This is actually mostly a developer thing, as in where can developers go and share developery things, get good advice etc. Basically like developer forum, but good.

I'm not sure what the Guru thing was meant to be about. By the time I joined it, it was already a trainwreck. Possibly because the scope was too broad and you "had to be in favour" to get in, so it really was an old boys club.

The idea of building a development site off BYOND is mostly just about disconnecting from the BYOND community a little and getting back on point, on development. Frankly, if anywhere would take us, I'd be happy to get something added to an existing general development community.

Reaching players is a whole other matter, in which I think we agree near totally.
wow dis base look gud i can be gm on tis game wen u done
Stephen001 wrote:
The idea of building a development site off BYOND is mostly just about disconnecting from the BYOND community a little and getting back on point, on development. Frankly, if anywhere would take us, I'd be happy to get something added to an existing general development community.

For that to happen it'd help for BYOND to look more respectable. BYOND is a very good game development platform but you'd never know it from looking at the site.

Posts like this that mock users aren't helpful. There's a group of people who believe that to be a productive BYOND user you just have to write blog posts about title screens and bases. Posts like this one only help to form a group of people who think that to be a productive BYOND users you just have to write posts mocking the people who write posts about title screens and bases.

To be productive you need to make or do things that improve the community. The first step towards improving is recognizing that there is a problem, but we're well past that. If you're not going to advance past it then you're not much different from the people who don't advance past blogging about title screens and base icons.
Forum_account wrote:
Posts like this one only help to form a group of people who think that to be a productive BYOND users you just have to write posts mocking the people who write posts about title screens and bases.

It's called satire. There's a difference.

The entire point behind my OP is in the third sentence.
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