Since I don't know the first thing about pixel art, I spent about half a minute glancing at a few guides and I was able to produce this:
It's good for a first try, right? As you can see, I have met all the requirements for a BYOND game base: a bald head and a diaper. I know I got some of the shading wrong around the abdomen but other than that I think I did an awesome job. It's a 64x64 sprite so it's going to be a lot larger than your average base. What I'm looking for is some feedback from you guys. If I made any mistakes ( which I know I didn't ), please point them out to me and I'll disregard your criticism as soon as I possibly can.
Stay tuned for my future polls in which I ask:
- What Should I Name The Game?
- How Many Anime Characters Should I Paste Onto My Title Screen?
- What Are The Codes For Destructo Disk?
Have in 200 narto frogs on the screen.
it is, mob/player/client/varb/Destrucaw Desko(Noob/N)
dmg = 21398129838192380128093