A month into Spirit Age's development now, and there's alot that's already been done. Most of this time has been spent designing maps, which is now complete with the first and largest landmass that will be featured in the game.
The Base is just about completed only lacking one state(A generic state for riding mounts)and with that the base will be completed.
A few days ago, no more than a week. I started designing and creating enemy Mobs for the game.

Discussing Soul Drives.
Soul Drives Are supplementary abilities within Spirit Age that Grants users with temporary power boosts. Each Ability will function on a fixed time amount where the user returns to normal promptly after the allotted time expires.
There are 3 stages to each Soul Drive. Each stage must be accessed via 'Skill Board' Which is very similar to the license board seen in Final Fantasy XII. With this Spirit Age will have no predetermined classes that players often have to choose from. Instead, Players will be able to freely develop their character around any skills or professions available.

There are current 2 Soul drives that have already been designed: Fire and Earth.
Fire>Offensive focus--Pheonix
Earth>Defensive focus--Basalisk
Leaving Wind and Water's designs in the air :|
These transformations also grants new passive and active abilities.