![]() May 3 2014, 6:09 pm
Error #2046: The loaded file did not have a valid signature. the fuq is this shit? anyone tell me how to fix this.
Zargos we need to have a wipe. Take the game down and update stuff and wipe it. This era has gone on to long and BLN is ownning right now this is unacceptable we need to take a stand. Bln isnt as balanced as this game is. I told you to add ichinose shikai. and add the vaizards zan. make vaizard a pickable race on the loading screen. To balance vai with shini. Buff the kidos.
andrew there was a wipe 2 days ago because of updates i dont know what the hell your on about kid
relax yourself u fucken asshole and ye im fucken black so stfu you stupid piece of fucken shit.
who said i wasn't relaxed just asked a question. you replied with hostility calm your self before you wreck your self ^^
Please read http://www.byond.com/forum/?post=1620058
The hell happened to everyone who played like BTK Rage Mane. Did they just leave?
Jaker0 wrote:
The hell happened to everyone who played like BTK Rage Mane. Did they just leave? :o I started back, Boss be playing Smite and Idk where Mane is owo |
I still vote we add this to the screenshots `o` http://prntscr.com/1rhhuw