Flight at 1pm GMT+0.
12 hours to Singapore
2 hour rest
5 hours to Perth.
Oct 1 2011, 11:24 pm
Oct 1 2011, 11:35 pm
How dare you leave me with these peasants(not you Avainer). I'm gonna be so lonely(not really we don't talk much), We always had a good time together ;(. Avanier He's leaving us man.
Avainer i think we need to have a bromance. It's what wookie would have wanted.
5pm Take off (Don't ask) Arrived at 2pm (Singapore time) Got another 4 hour wait until it's off to Perth. ENTERTAIN ME, INTERNETS! |
Lol Tibby, where abouts in Aussie do you live? I'll come and poke you relentlessly until you re-upload your diary of the dead.
I live on the opposite side of the country. The closest capital city to me is Melbourne, which is four hours away.
Tiberath wrote:
Whoo, Australia! Best place in the world. I am moving to Austrailia. I'll spend 1 week in Melbourne then move to Portland in Victoria. ;o |
The good news is that I landed in Perth, the bad news is that I'm currently at the Airport on the way to Sydney, close enough to poke yet?