Hey there! So as some of the regulars of Casual Quest (and a few others) may have noticed, a few months ago I took on the project of assisting IainPeregrine on his beloved Casual Quest. Since the last stable version, 1.30, a decent amount of changes have been made, particularly to make gameplay flow a bit better and to help new players (and experienced players with a bit of amnesia) understand exactly what each class does. There were also a number of bug fixes to go along (1.32-1.33) to make the latest version stable (relatively).
Version 1.33
? Every time a player changes classes, a new link will appear in the chatbox. "CauTi0n is now playing as the Ninja!" When the link is clicked, a popup browser appears with the information of the class clicked, including tier, the proper types of cards needed, and each skill (with a description of the skill and its cost). This has proven useful for many, as it is a reliable way to understand what each skill does without wasting aura to understand what each skill is/does.
? Tombstone life is doubled. This was placed into effect particularly because as players would get further through the waves, it became impractical to save teammates - the doubled lifespan of tombstones should definitely help here.
? Skills became significantly modularized, and therefore skill costs are now dependent on character rather than the actual skill. This new system assists in allowing the game to flow better.
? The scoreboard now updates scores properly again.
? Casual Quest is on Facebook! Go like it.
-- 1.31 introduced bugs regarding a few things:
? Flame arrow works properly now.
? All Summons (Skeleton, Elementals, etc.) behaviors are fixed.
? No classes will be charged with double aura cost for a skill anymore. This was a an interesting bug, but a quick fix all the same.
A note on customs: For now, IainPeregrine and I have both agreed that we will not be accepting ideas/icons for customs. It is unknown currently if this will be an option at a further time, but currently we are not accepting payments for customs/re-colours.
A thank you is in order to Joram for continuously hosting, as well as all the testers who assisted in getting this update up and running. We appreciate all the help the community has provided for this game.