I'll just jump right in. I got into a very heated argument with my history teacher concerning the development of the United State concerning Jails and Prisons; and the pros/cons of it today. Basically, he is a flag-waving patriot who preaches his biased opinion instead of facts to the class. Yeah, America is great and all, but I don't agree with everything that he taught. I informed him on the unbalanced judgment found in the Judicial Branch and, therefore, was the cause of many, many wrong things happening in prisons. That was the main point of the argument. Many states, when concerning minors under the age of 18, used to be very biased. Examples? 16-year old African-American is suspected of killing a judge’s daughter. Depending on if it's the Supreme Court or a lower one, then that man would've probably gotten death row if it had happened a decade ago. Even now, with new laws in place, the living conditions in prisons AND jails are just nasty. Rodent and insect infestation being a big issue. But, really, it isn't a punishment. You are just giving them a new life-style. If you got life and no chance to parole, then that little cell that you stay in 20-23 hours a day becomes your life. The only punishment, really, is becoming accustomed to the system.
My teacher, really, couldn't handle it. He started saying that the constitution didn't allow this or that and the Supreme Court judges were fair/honest. He also replied with (quote)"Prison is just a fraction of a percent of a' aspect of our government."(unquote) Really? Seems pretty large to the 13+ people out've every 1,000 sent to prison who are innocent. Seems pretty big to all their families and GF's and wives and children too. Selfish ways of thinking leads to injustice. If anyone really cared, they would come up with a better solution to dealing with felons and criminals instead of locking them up in a cement-cage until they die. So. I want to know your opinions about this. America's government, really. You can use another country or nation as your topic instead. I want to know how would you make that country's government better, politics-wise? In your eyes, what is the perfect economy? Who should be in charge?
Simply, what would you do if you were P.O.T.U.S?
Other than this little scuffle, I've maintained great grades and have kept my head out of the clouds. I find life rather interesting now. People oblivious to death, even when it's all around them, make for some great entertainment. And some people have asked me why I don't upload any videos on YouTube anymore. Welp. I was a noob when I did that. Most of them are BYOND-related or crappy slideshows made with Windows Failmaker. I can't believe I have more than 7,000 channel views in 2 years. Who would watch all that crap?
Anyways, how are you all today?
Poll: What is the worst form of punishment?
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![]() Sep 22 2011, 10:14 am
Torture .
Talking to the BYOND community.
(There's no Other votes, cause I don't vote on polls) |
Torture is easily the worst form of punishment.
However, being the morbid guy I am, I strongly believe the whole "eye for an eye" ideology. If you commit murder, you should be executed. The more severe the murder, the worse the form of execution. |
Torturing is never a good morally, and killing someone is too quick.
Life without parole makes them stuck in existing and feeling the guilt of their action every day. Best one |
Tag Youre Pregnant wrote:
Torturing is never a good morally, and killing someone is too quick. Not to mention they get three full meals, exercise, and can sleep life away(to an extent). Gee. So horrible. /: |
Life without parole is basically torture..
Except with food, a place to sleep, visits, medical aid, but there's just only no chance to return home. However, atleast you get to live. So yeah, still going with my comment. |
It's funny when people live in the best country in the world all they do is find things that are wrong with it.
Americans are oblivious to a lot of things. We should be more grateful. I am not originally from the U.S (Cuban-bling)I know what a screwed up government is. |
Best country in the world?
Please refrain from spouting such bullshit again, mkay? |
Cubanbling wrote:
It's funny when people live in the best country in the world all they do is find things that are wrong with it. Almost everyone of them |
Zane444 wrote:
Im old fashion and my philosophy still remains: "An eye for and eye" Ok so I steal a soda from your shop, so you wish to come to my non-existant shop and steal a beverage? |
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, Zane. A world blind to it's own selfish desires and self-righteous attitude. It's all downhill from here, with that thinking.
Anyways, I believe differently. Yes, americans do greatly take-for-granted many of the things we have. Children from undeveloped countries would die for what we recieve daily. |
Conceptually and human rights-wise, the United States is the best country in the world. No other country gives it's residents the potential to be as much as they could be(ignoring England, Austalia, etc.).
However, we're far too dependent on other countries. |
Of course Americans take for granted what's given, it's been like that since the olden days.
Which makes this country pathetic. Also, for those Torture people, mind explaining why you chose such? If all you'll say is one word I'd rather you just vote and leave as you're making me check thinking there's a real commenter. |
Zane444 wrote:
im mainly referring to murderers receiving capital punishment. Ah well then, that's different. I thought you meant just general rule of thumb. |